-7/11 Robbery-

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uhh tw//cussing I guess? also this one is kinda long 

 You stand outside a 7-11, wearing a grin. You and Quackity have decided to rob it, just for the thrill. 

 "Okay, here's the plan. I'm gonna talk to the cashier, and you're just gonna stash whatever you can in the bag, okay?" Quackity looks at you, he's also grinning.

"Sounds good." You check your phone. 

It's 4am, and still dark out. You chuckle. Time to commit some crimes. You two walk into the store. Quackity splits off and heads for the cashier. Meanwhile you go behind the shelves and open your backpack. You can hear Quackity talking to the cashier. 

He's speaking in Spanish, to which you roll your eyes. The cashier reacts with the obvious 'I'm sorry sir, I don't understand what you're saying' but he continues. 

 And you start stuffing your bag. After clearing the chip and candy aisle, you move towards the drinks. Quackity was still distracting the cashier, but you should probably be a little quicker. 

You grab plenty of soda bottles and energy drinks, stuffing them into your bag. "Hey! Stop!" You look up and find a middle-aged woman pointing at you furiously. 

She looks towards the check out and starts yelling. "Excuse me! This child is robbing your store! Excuse me!" 

 Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Why is she here? It's four am! The woman whips out her phone. "I'm calling the police!" Shit. You stash one more Monster into the bag and take off for the exit, Quackity following. 

You can hear the cashier and woman yelling at you, probably scrambling to catch up. You guys manage to get back to your car. "Get the keys! Hurry up!" You look at Quackity frantically. "I don't have them! I don't know where they are!" He looks around the parking lot. "You can hot-wire, right?" 

He weakly smiles at you. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. "I mean- I can try?"

"That's good enough!" You dash for a car (turns out you managed to get a honda civic). Quackity smashes the window and unlocks it. You both get into the car. 

The cashier and woman both run up to the car, shouting. "Listen, kids- I need you to stop! The police are on their way!" The cashier stands in front of the car.

"Yeah, like that's gonna happen." You say as you search for the wires to start the car. 

You find them and look at Quackity. "Is there a pair of scissors or clippers in the glove box?" "Uhh..." He opens the glove box and shakes his head.

"Fuck it, do you have a knife?" He nods and hands you a pocket knife. You cut the wires before touching the ends together.The car turns on with a start and you rev the engine.

"No, fuck you! I'm driving!" Quackity climbs around you.

"Fine! Asshole!" You switch to the passenger seat. 

 The cashier is still standing in front of the car, and you hear the lady banging on the back of it. You roll down your window and look at the cashier. "You might want to move!" You hear Quackity laugh and the car starts moving. 

The cashier jumps out of the way, and you speed off. You can hear the sirens whirling, getting closer. "Fucking gas it!" You shout. Quackity grins and pushes on the pedal. The speedometer climbs to 100 as you take off into the darkness. 

 You're both laughing your asses off. You open your bag and hand him a Monster. He takes and lifts his other hand off the steering wheel to open it. "The fuck are you doing? If we crash, I swear to god Quackity-" He puts his hand back on the wheel. "It's fine, it's fine!" He cackles. You start laughing again and turn on the radio. 

 "Wait- Did we even need to steal a car? We could've just hot wired yours." You look at Quackity. His face falters for a moment before returning to a shit-eating grin. "That little tin-can? Nah this one is much better. Also, do you think this has bluetooth?" "Well let's find out!" You start messing with the dashboard, looking between it and your phone. 

You manage to connect. "Let's go! What songs should we play?" "Let's play Drake!" Quackity says excitedly. "God no. We are not playing Drake." You scroll through your playlist. "Oh fuck you! He's not even that bad!" You roll your eyes before smiling. You settle on the song 'Pump It' by the Black Eyed Peas. You turn the volume up as much as you can and you both start singing. 

 And as it turns out; robbing a convenience store at 4am? Not a bad idea!


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