1.I Love you 🐰❤️

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Jeon's Mansion

Author's Pov:

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Author's Pov:

A cute little bear(tae) was sleeping in his room when he was awaken by his lovely Mom.

Tae's mom: Bear wake up it's time to go to uni. (shakes him lightly by his arm)

Tae: Hmm mom give me 5 minutes (pout)

Tae's mom: Ok you small baby *chuckles*(pinches his cheek)

Tae jumped out of his bed because of the sound of the alarm. He went to the bathroom and freshen up and got ready for school. When he was walking out of the door he bumped into someone and was about to fall down but maintained his balance and stood straight.

Tae: Sorry Hyungie.

Tae said immediately

JK: SORRY.MY FOOT.DON'T YOU HAVE EYES? (shouts and walks away)

Tae: Why is hyung like that. Can't he just talk normally with me? (tears were falling from his eyes)

Tae went to his room. Locked the door and started to cry.

Tae's mom: (knocks at his door)Tae come fast the breakfast is ready.

Tae: Ok eomma! I'm coming!!!(washes his face and go downstairs)

In the dining room

Everyone weree eating their breakfast(except Jungkook) when tae came.

Tae: Good morning.(pulls his chair and sat on it)

Tae's dad/mom: Good Morning baby 

Jk's dad/mom: Good morning to you too bear.

Tae: Where is Jungkook hyung mom? (mouth filled with food)

Tae's mom: How many times do I have to tell you Baby that you shouldn't talk while your mouth is full of food. You can choke on the food. And where is Jungkook Unnie??

Jk's mom: Well the deal he made with a group was cancelled that's why he was very angry and went to talk to them or more precisely to kill them.

Jk's dad: Afterall he is my son (proudly)

While everyone sitting on the table(except tae) laughed

Jk's mom: What happened bear? You look sad. Did Jungkook said something to you. Tell me I will scold him for you.

Tae: No aunt he didn't say anything to me. I'm just having a headache due to lack of sleep.

JK's mom: That's why I'm always telling you to study less. Your eyes also looks so red. If you want you can take a day off from uni today.

Tae's dad: Yes bear sister in law is saying right. Nothing is important to us than you.

Tae: No dad I am fine. I am already late for uni. I gotta go. Bye(kiss his mom's cheek before going)

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