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Y/N; "Thank you, officers. I'll take it from here."

She smiled at them. They nodded at her and started leaving.  She grabbed the man aka her best friend who is apparently believed to be involved in a fight. She looked down at him with a gaze of disappointment.

JIMIN; "Y/N, I swear it wasn't my fault.."

Y/N ignored her best friend and led him to her car.

Y/N: "we will talk later, Jimin."

That's all she said before driving off to the police station.

𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔨𝔦𝔭☁︎

Jimin; "Now do you believe me?"

He said, slightly glaring at her through the given space behind the bars.

Y/N; "Jimin, you're behind bars."

She stated.

Jimin: "But I'm innocent!"

He exclaimed. Y/N sighed and walked closer to his cell.

Y/N; "Min, you wouldn't be behind bars if you were so innocent."

She said and pushed her hands into her pockets.

Jimin; "oh, I'm only here for a couple of hours."

He said with a hint of sassiness.

Y/N; "oh, and why is that, Mr.Park?"

Y/N replied, sarcastically.

Jimin; "Because I broke the bars window with my fine-ass fists, officer Y/N."

He blurts assertively.

Y/N retrieved her hands from her pocket and folded them in front of her chest. She then cocked up one of her eyebrows.

Y/N; "An innocent man's window."

Jimin rolled his eyes and backed away from the cell's door. He sat down on the bed and stared at the wall.

Jimin; " You know I didn't do it on purpose."

He said softly.

Y/N; "I know. It was an accident, but you have to be held accountable for the damage."

Jimin; "Can't you help me out?"

Y/N; "I have no power here, min. The old man asked for everyone responsible to be put behind bars for at least 12 hours. I don't know why he didn't ask for money for damage, but he knows better."

Y/N lets out a sigh and looked at the man who was sulking in the corner.  Y/N rested her hands on the bars and then spoke;

Y/N; "Hey, Jimin.."

She whispered. He ignored her and continued staring at the wall.

Y/N; "I have a surprise for you."

Jimin; "What is it?"

He faked an excited tone before returning that glower on his face

Y/N; "it's a prank."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

Jimin; "what's a prank?"

Y/N smiled at his confused state.

Y/N; "You're not supposed to be behind bars, but I put you here as a punishment."

Jimin's eyes widen just as Y/N displays a smirk on her face.

Jimin; "What? Why would you do that?!"

Y/N; "Because you ate my cookies last week. You don't think I'd forget that!"


Y/N; "Not really. But here's the catch. You admit I'm stronger than you and I'll let you out."

Jimin stood stunned with disbelief. That's his own best friend that did that to him. But soon that shocked dumbfounded look on his face melted, allowing a smirk filled with mischief to tug on his lips. A chuckle escapes his lips and his next words made Y/N's eyebrows crash together.

Jimin; " You're gonna regret this Lee Y/N."

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