Chapter 1: Devil Town

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The door to Amity's room slammed with enough force to rattle the picture hanging on her bedroom wall, the lock clicking on the outside. Her parents had decided she would stay in her room until the "scandal" she had caused was cleared up. Amity whimpered, hugging her white cat plushy, Ghost, while making sure to not get blood on it.

Amity lay in her bed until she had the energy to sit up. Her parents "discipline" always left her tired and unable to move for a while. With a small huff she sat up, picking at one of the itchy bandages around her wrists, the ones that covered the stitches keeping her from finally having peace. Her chest felt tight as she panted, a thick metallic taste on her tongue. She shakily stood and grabbed a backpack, rubbing one of her bandaged wrists across her mouth and smearing blood on the pristinely white bandage. Shoving as many of her favorite outfits into the bag, Amity caught a glance at herself in the mirror. Her lip was busted and one of her earrings had been ripped out, along with a chunk of flesh, not to mention the black eye and many bruises.

Amity looks away quickly and growls in frustration, shoving Ghost into the bag. She looks at the locked door, she pulls a small pocket knife out and flicks it open using the flat edge to unscrew the doorknob.

The doorknob on the other side of the door falls with a loud clunk, and Amity gasps. The light under the door clicks on and she hears footsteps in the hallway. "Shit" She mutters, lightly pushing the door open Amity sees her dad walking down the hall to investigate. She knows now is her only chance to escape.

Suddenly Amity throws the door open and sprints for the stairs, it only takes a second for her father to figure out what's happening and he screams for her to stop. Amity ignores him and books it, causing him to chase after her, yelling all the while.

He manages to snatch her arm right as she reaches the top of the stairs, causing her to slip and fall down them, pulling him with her. Amity's backpack cushions her fall, but she still feels the air knocked from her lungs as she slams into the floor. She takes a ragged breath before coughing and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Amity hauls herself to her feet, ignoring the panting of her father behind her and wrenching the front door open.

Amity stumbles out into the driving rain, she can feel the blood on her face get washed away as she limps down the sidewalk.

Eventually, when Amity feels as though she can't take another step, she finds an old crumbling house with the door wide open. She stumbles inside and flops down to the floor.

Amity whimpers, ignoring the dark wetness of the bandages, she wraps her bruised arms around her definitely bruised ribs. Tears brim in her eyes, but refuse to fall.

Amity curls in on herself inside the dark shack, laying still on the floor, breathing erratically, darkness encroaching in her vision. The last thing Amity hears before blacking out is three loud clunks and a door opening.

A/N So here we are, have fun with this I guess

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