Family Issues Before Reading

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A/N: Read 'Death Girl' for this to make sense

"That was fun." Summer said.

Percy rolled his eyes. "That's because you won."

Summer gave him a grin, and all of the kids sat down again. Summer gave a long, deep sigh, leaning into Leo.

"So, I'm interested to hear what happened in your first two years of school." Rigel said.

"Summer never told you?" Annabeth asked.

Rigel gave her a big, sarcastic grin. "No. No. Because, uh, what did you tell me, Summer?"

Summer glared at him, her eyes darkening. "I never said anything to you. You chose not to talk to me."

Rigel gave a sarcastic laugh. "Did I?"

Summer nodded, shifting uncomfortably. "I tried to talk to you, but you wanted nothing to do with me. I was nothing to you."

"You were everything to me, Summer." He interrupted. "I had heard so many great stories about you. I was so excited to meet you, and when I did, I couldn't have been more disappointed."

Summer stared at her cousin for a moment longer, before turning back to everyone else. "Well, if we've gotten that out of the way, I say we read."

Rigel looked at his cousin, his eyes glassy and full of disbelief. Why was she like this? He had heard so many great things about her, these people he was surrounded with praised her, and she was some sort of hero, and here she was, not even able to talk or look at him. What had he done wrong? Why did she hate him? Why did everyone always hate him?

"Rigel." Draco said.

Rigel looked over, and saw his cousin giving him a pitying stare. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine." He answered. "Perfectly fine."

He looked up, and could see Summer staring at him from the corner of his eye. Not the mean, glaring look she always gave him, but a sad, lost look. He turned his head, catching the look, and felt as if he core shook. Guilt. Summer held a look of guilt. Maybe she did feel bad. Rigel shook his head. It was too late for her to feel bad. She was right. He didn't need her anymore. He was perfectly fine without her.

"Are you lot ready to read?" Harry asked, picking up the book.

Everyone nodded, and Harry chucked the book at Ron. "Thank you, Ron, for volunteering."

Ron glared at Harry, muttering a harsh "honestly" under his breath. Nevertheless, he opened the book, and began reading.

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