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"If you dare try and bellyflop me you're going down with me" she yelped

"I go wherever you go" he retorted to his wife right before dropping them both down into the waves.

Splashing around like little kids. Belly and Conrad hold each other as the tide pushes back and forth past them, between the rain and ocean they are utterly and completely soaked so why not have some fun before their reception?

Her dress becoming too heavy for her to maneuver in the water lead to Conrad having to bunch it up in his hands and piggyback her all the way to the car.
Quickly picking up his suit jacket and her heels they make it to their trunk which of course is supplied with towels thanks to surfing being Conrad's choice of sport.

Wiping his head with the towel Conrad notices belly staring with a look he could have sworn made her look like there were sparklers in her eyes.

"Did I ever tell you how hot you are?" she says surveying his very wet and tight white shirt.
"wait.... You think I'm hot?? Why am I just now hearing about this" he teases.
"You know, now that i think about it... you're not that hot i mean-" she starts answering with a huge smile on her face before getting interrupted by him pulling her in and rubbing the towel over her head.
"It's okay if you think I'm hot Isabel fisher."
"if we're being honest i think you're pretty hot too" he whispers before kissing the bridge of her nose.

Giggling like the swooning pre teen she was all those years ago belly drapes her arms over his shoulders and around his neck and fights off the tears while saying.

"I love you Conrad Fisher, you know that? And i don't mean it in a 'oh he's my husband i love him' type of way i mean it in an astronomical way, like you're the love of my life and i don't think i would survive without your love. Those years when I was a schoolgirl crushing on the boy who saw me as a little sister was hell and I don't know what I did to change your mind but I'm glad whatever happened did."

"I love you so fucking much isabel. Everyday I am stunned at the amount of unconditional love and patience you show me. You continue to amaze me whether it be the grace you show everyone else or the way you treat junior mint like he is actually your child, you're unbelievable" he says before kissing her lips with equal amounts of love and lust letting every emotion pour out into their kiss.

Breaking away after a few moments, Belly reminds him they have to go before her mother sends out a search party (aka taylor) to drag them to the venue.

"Oh and by the way I NEVER looked at you as a little sister," Conrad said, commenting on her speech from earlier.
"I just didn't want to scare you off by always being goo goo ga ga when you would walk into the room so I acted annoyed yet notice i was always the one backing up your pleas of tagging along."  He finishes landing in the driver's seat,leaning over he helps belly find her seatbelt buckle in the mess of tulle and lace and they head off back to their wedding guests.

Entering the reception hall still partially dripping wet belly and Conrad are met with an exasperated laurel and a laughing steven.

"Oh my god you guys actually did it, you jumped in the ocean during a rainstorm on a 50 degree day. You two are officially insane." belly's brother said smiling at the couple.

"Steven stop, and isabel.. Come with me we have to get you changed before you catch a cold. You too connie." laurel said, holding both kids by their shoulders and leading them out of the ballroom.

"Yeah connie lets go" belly teases her husband on his nickname given to him when he was a kid.

After getting changed into the spare clothes they made sure to pack into a backpack and hide with her mom belly and Conrad made their way back to the wedding party and asked about the food situation before filling their plates and going over to their private table in the front of the room separate from everyone else.

"Oh my god this food is so good, I don't know if it's because I'm exhausted from the water or if it's because I haven't eaten since this morning but damn this might be the best meal i've ever had." belly said in between bites of food.

"So the fact that it's our wedding meal did not automatically make it the best meal for you bells??" Conrad said, teasing his wife with a smile on his face.

"No but seriously this food is awesome your mom really knew what she was doing telling us to trust her with the food".

Seeing her husband's face grow solem at the thought back to laurel helping them plan their wedding made her realize Conrad was missing susannah and no one even noticed, hell she didn't even realize it until just now.
Putting her fork down, belly grabbed Conrad's hand and brought it up to her lips for a quick kiss.
"You know she's really proud of the man you've become right?"

Conrad, confused, asked "what? Who?"

"Your mom. I know you didn't want to bring it up today but i can see it on your face babe, you miss her and that's okay especially on a day like today, i just hope you know i'm here to talk about it whenever and wherever, even at our wedding reception, i don't care, You come first." She explained.
"But i do know she's so proud of you and she's definitely happy for us even through the ups and downs it took to get here, she always knew it would be us didn't she?" belly finished eyes looking into her husband's glossy ones.

Rubbing her hand, Conrad quietly leans over and wraps his arms around her. "You always know when somethings up....I love you so much belly" he whispers into her neck before leaving butterfly kisses on her collarbone and looking back at her.

"What do you say we leave as fast as we are allowed to?" she says, wiping a fallen tear from Conrad's face.

"What about the cake? or our dance? He asks with a shaky voice.

"Well, we can just tell steven to grab the top tier with our toppers and pick in up in the morning so we will still have cake and don't worry about the dance, id step all over your feet anyway so im saving both of us" she laughs

"Okay then, let's go Mrs Fisher '' Conrad replies with a smile on his face reaching out to intertwine their hands making their escape.

Walking into their front door, belly kicks off heels and plops down on the sofa while Conrad takes off his jacket and goes into their kitchen to put the kettle on.

"Do you want some tea?" he asks.
"Ooh yes please" she answers.
Making his way back over to belly Conrad reaches out for her hands and pulls her up from the couch and holds onto her waist.

Instinctively belly wraps her arms around Conrad's neck and feels him swaying them.
"What are you doing?" she giggles while being led in a dance with her husband.

Well you did mention we would miss our first dance but it is our dance so we are having it. Here and now" Conrad explains reaching down to press play on his phone.

'Stay' by Maurice Williams and the zodiacs starts playing and belly can't help but beam at conrad.

"Oh you're good" she smiles before kissing him, the tea now a faint memory in the back of both of their minds.


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