Internalized homophobia.

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(Stiles POV).

"Can we talk about it?" Derek asked from across the dark room. "What's there to say?" Stiles replied. "What we did was wrong..." Derek mumbled, "Don't give me that shit." Stiles hissed. "Listen to me. No one can know. I acted on impulse." Derek explained. "Fuck that! What happened was a long time coming and we both know it! You can be ashamed all you want but don't lie to me." Stiles retorted. "Stiles..." Derek mumbled. "But why are you ashamed? What's wrong with what happened? We're both adults. We both enjoyed it. Your being fucking stupid." Stiles asked. "What's wrong? what's wrong is that, your a human, your a man, im a alpha, im a man! It's not right!" Derek answered. "Fuck you and your internalized homophobia!" Stiles shouted. "IM DONE TALKING ABOUT IT." Derek boomed. ".... Get out." He mumbled. "But!" Stiles argued. "LEAVE!" Derek shouted. Stiles face twisted in anger. "Fine. Whatever." Stiles left.

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