I can't stand it!!!

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A few weeks after the party...

Wendy has been acting strange and Mira knew why...

"Mira-San, you're pregnant!" Wendy said happily "Oh-oh my goodness!" Mira said happily as tears came TIMESKIP! "WENDY! Something's wrong!!!" Yelled Laxus carrying a passed out Mira "Up here! Hurry!" Wendy said Laxus laid Mira down and looked at wendy "She-she gonna be ok right her and the baby?" He asked "Laxus please, I can't concentrate, and I can't give you an soils answer yet" wendy said healing Mira, Laxus walked out of the room and went downstairs but fell on the 2nd to last step "Laxus!" Master said running to his aid "Gramps, she gonna be okay right? She, she right?" Laxus said looking at his Gramps with tears "All we can do is hope that she will be..." master said "GRAMPS! I need to know, I-I can't live without her, my baby too, I- I please" Laxus said crying harder, Master was trying to not cry as he sat next to him

"Wendy? What's wrong" Mira asked "You fainted so Laxus brought you here... um" Wendy couldn't say it, for it would break her heart... "Wendy... please, what's wrong" mira said placing her hand over her small belly bump "The-the baby is overpowered by both of your guys magic... it's growing at a speed which your body can't take!" Wendy said with tears "No... what if I abort it?" Mira said quietly "Then you will be fine..." Wendy answered "And what if I don't?" Mira asked looking into her eyes "You-you most like-likely di-die during the childbirth!" She cried "GOMEN! While healing you I tried slowing the process down but I couldn't!" She cried harder,Mira had tears "So I have this baby abort or I die?" Mira said crying "But there's no sure way, it's either you or the both of you!" Wendy said crying harder, just then Laxus rushed in the room "MIRA!" He cried "How's the baby? How's Mira!" Laxus asked Wendy "*Sniff* their both fine but" Wendy was cut off by Mira "BUT! I'm hungry" she said making the lightning dragon slayer go get her food "Mira..." Wendy said sadly "No, Laxus don't tell him.. please" Mira said

Present time~

"Mira are you ok? You look a bit pale" Lucy asked "Yep! Just tired carrying this big boy" Mira laughed "child, are you ok?" Carla asked sipping her tea (Ooo, drama! JKJK) "I stand it anymore!!!" Wendy shouted making everyone in the guild look at her "The-the reason Mira-San looks pale is because the baby is sucking her life force!" Wendy said sadly "Wendy!" Mira yelled "Wha-what are you talking about?" Laxus said walking in (Seeing that he got back from a job) "Gomen Mira-San... When Laxus brought me Mira was she fainted, the baby was growing at a speed Mira's body can't handle, if she gives brith her or the child with die, if-if not both wil..." Wendy said looking at Laxus "Is-is it to late to abort it?" Laxus asked looking at Mira to which she shook her head "No...NO! I'm not risking my child life over mines! Laxus please!" Mira said crying "MIRA! I can't live without you, please!" He yelled, by now everyone in the guild was crying...

"Mira or the baby can die?" -Lucy
"Gomen Mira!!! Gomen Laxus!!!" - Wendy
"Both are in danger..." master said

"Laxus! I'm not getting rid of my son!" Mira yelled back "Mira! I rather lose the baby than both of you!" He yelled back "You can't just say" Mira was cut off by Laxus "ARE YOU REALLY GONNA LEAVE ME???!!!" He yelled with all his might, which scared Mira  "No...NO!" Yelled Mira as she teleported somewhere "SHIT! Help me find Mira!" Laxus yelled... no one moved... "guys...GUYS! Help me!" He yelled again, again no one moved "FINE! I'll find her myself!" Laxus yelled

Our secret (MiraXLaxus) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora