The last Session

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"How long has it been since you've lost her now?"
"Over a year now."
Mathew said to his therapist, who he knew just wanted to help but he felt like she was always just trying to break him. "Its been a couple months since our last session since you kept canceling what have you been up to?" She asked somewhat sternly to a disengage Mathew. "I go to work, watch TV when I can and the I go to sleep theres not much more too it than that."
"You havent done anything with any of your friends since we last saw each other?"
"No I dont have time with work I rarely don't have to  grade papers and tests after I go home from the school."
"The last time I saw you was in the end of July. You didnt do anything with any friends or family before school started."
"Well it was the first summer I didn't go back to my summer job at the 7-11 so that was kinda strange and new."
"Yes I remember us talking about that last time. It must still be difficult adjusting to all the changes you've had in such short amounts lf time." Said Mathew's therapist still meaning well but upsetting Mathew with every word she said. "So what did you do during that time before school had started?" She continued. "I went back to my home town." Mathew said quit and slowly with a blank expression on his face. "Oh did you go see your mom."
"Didn't go well then?" The therapist said to Mathew who had now started to seem to be a bit more calm and less pushed into talking.
"Not really, She has dementia now and I couldn't even be mad at her for everything she's done to me" Mathew said surprisingly calmly with some slight facial twitches. "How long were you there for?" The therapist calmly asked Mathew, she was now looking at Mathew and not writing anything down in her notepad. "Just a day." Mathew said while thinking to himself how ridiculous it was be drove 6 hours and then left back home the next day.
"Was she sick at the funeral?" Asked the therapist to Mathew who had once again become very uncomfortable and not wanting to answer. "I dont know I wasn't at the funeral long enough to see her." Answered Mathew reluctantly. Mathew and his therapist had never talked about his daughter Emily's funeral since it made him so uncomfortable.
"Do you think you're ready to talk about that day?"
"I just want to help you Mathew and to do that I need to tell me as much as you can."
"You don't care." Mathew said  with a shockingly soft  voice. "You do this because you get paid that's it and Ive told you as much as I can." Mathew told his therapist right before he left. His therapist remained seated and pleaded with him to stay but he got up and left." Mathew went to his car and he set his head on his steering wheel and sat there. Mathew was like that for 30 minutes before pulling out his phone and texting an apology to his therapist and then blocking her number.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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