Assimilating To Humanity

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???:...restoration complete...DNA replenished...revival of memory not found...proposal begin new memory data in order to fix missing data...begin memory....

A bright flash of light had happened and the next thing we see inko holding a little bundle of joy in her arms

A bright flash of light had happened and the next thing we see inko holding a little bundle of joy in her arms

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Inko:oh my sweet little ray of sunshine don't worry about a thing because mommy has you sweet little izuku

The baby named izuku that was resting in her arms nuzzled closely to her

Izuku:'memory data of birth...July 15th...'

Inko couldn't help but keep smiling with tears streaming down her face as soon as she was released from the hospital she had returned to home with her child

Inko:home sweet home my little one I wish your father came to see you but I guess working overseas is a lot for him I guess we'll just send him a letter and of course some cute baby photos

She sets him down in his crib before she went and unpacked some baby stuff that was sent to her

Inko:let's get you some proper clothes so we can prepare you for a bath

Izuku:zzz zzz 'maternal figure is healthy...self diagnosis healthy and fully healed assimilation complete...'

The baby izuku began to open his eyes slightly and looked at his hand and began to morph it

Izuku:'this body is weak...must get to suitable movement before I leave the planet...must grow'

The moment inko turned back izuku was back to normal and back in an unsuspicious state

Inko:you've been so quiet all this time izuku I really hope everything is ok I don't want you to be sick or worse


Despite his mind going in a different speed something in the baby made him react to his mother's worry

Despite his mind going in a different speed something in the baby made him react to his mother's worry

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Izuku cooed at the grasp of his mother's finger and smiled slightly causing her to begin to cry a river

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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