iii. trial by fire

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Living on Aqua Base is kind of what I assumed dorming might be like. Passing by others involved with Lightspeed everywhere I go, living with people who are slowly becoming my friends. It's been two days since Carter extended the offer, and two since my trial run began. I haven't missed a class since we fought the lava monster.

Jeez. It doesn't even feel real to think about it.

At least I won't have to do any more thinking for the time being. I just got out of a production class, which means I get the rest of the morning to relax in my room, unless we have duties- The door slides open, and I'm greeted by an unwelcome sight: the others packing their training bags. "Ally! Just in time," Kelsey chirps. I have no idea how she's this energetic this early (although it is nine AM). "We're talking about our dreams and aspirations."

What in the world did I just walk into? I shrug, already taking off my school bag in preparation to start packing for training. "I mean. You guys kinda already know about mine?"

Joel nods, gestures as if his hands can generate rainbows. Like that Spongebob meme. "World-famous director: Alyssa Sakamichi. Something like that?"

"Something like that." The others burst into chatter all at once, questions firing at me from every angle, and I shake my head. I really don't want to be late to training, which will very well happen if I stop to talk. "Wait, wait, I need to pack!"

Chad sighs. "Fine. I still don't know how you balance all of this."

It's funny, because I don't, either.

I think a subject change is in order. "What about you, Carter? Did you get one of those firetruck toys as a kid?"

Dana's eyes light up. "Ooh, what about those plastic fireman hats that are always way too big?" Okay, maybe I can be a little late for this. Carter stares from me to Dana, runs a hand through his hair.

"I mean, yeah. But first off, who didn't, and second, firefighting was never really the dream. Not until, I, uh..."

"Until you?" Kelsey presses. I know the look in his eyes, not because I've seen it from him, but because I've seen it from actors. When they're trying to put themselves in a certain frame of mind, they'll get this faraway look. Drawing on old memories.

"Uh, yeah. Ally, you should probably get ready before-"

"Rangers, to the training arena. Doubletime!"
I smirk and wave the granola bar I'd pulled from my bag in Carter's general direction. "We'll get an answer out of you yet, Red."


Dust flies up into my vision, and I grit my teeth, taking the next turn a little more careful. The others are going through their own set of tests, and mine is a riding exam. Making sure I'm as adept as possible on my Rescue.

With my visor blurred, an x-ray overlay of the course immediately appears over my view, and I grin. Here we go. "You're at the halfway point," Captain Mitchell informs me over my comms. "Now we're going to add a little something."

My first thought is to keep a close eye on the course. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, though- First, the map overlay cuts out. Then, my vision goes completely black.

Shit. Shit. I cut my speed gradually, narrowly missing the obstacle that'd been the closest. "Hey, Ally." Carter. They're teaching me the importance of trusting my team. "The team and I are gonna guide you through the rest of the course. Just listen to me, and I won't let you crash. Do you read?"

"I read."


Not being able to see the finish line while I cross it is something entirely bizarre. But I know I've done it thanks to Carter's shout of, "Let's fucking go!" and the others' similar yelling in the background. I've gotta admit, it feels good. (Tom Cruise who? Kidding. Kidding. Not trying to get myself whacked by the cult he follows. And I still want to cast him in something at least once in my life.) The moment I skid to a stop, my vision comes back into perfect focus, and the next moment, I'm tackled by Dana.

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