A Fresh Start

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My phone started playing a ringtone that I wasn't used to hearing very often, maybe twice a year max . I hope it's wrong and I accidently set it as someone else's ringtone too!

I look at the caller ID and all that hope flies out the window..


I sigh and answer the phone, I'm a little curious about why he's calling me.

"Hello?" I tried to keep my annoyance from reaching my voice.

"Leena??" He answered back. Well duh! Wasn't he trying to call me..

"Who else would be answering my phone?" I asked him and I couldn't keep the annoyance down that time.

"I just didn't think you were going to answer.."

"Well you were wrong." Like always. I said the last bit in my head, I didn't want to totally hurt his feelings..

I could hear him sigh. Then there was a pause.

"I don't have forever, so could you just tell me why you called??"

I heard him sigh again. "I had planned this going or at least starting out better.." Another pause. "Leena, I called to ask you something very important and it would mean a lot if you'd at least consider it.."

Crap. I have no idea what he's gonna ask but whatever it is it can't be good, at least not for me anyways.

"What?" I really don't want to know.

"How would you and Jared like to like to come with me to Canada?" He asked. And Jared is my brother. We're twins.

Whoa. I didn't expect that! "For how long?"

Another sigh. I guess he was hoping I wouldn't ask that. "The whole summe-"

"What?! No way! How could you even think we'd say yes to that? I can't go away the entire summer!! I have camp!" Yeah, I was mad. People tell me I over react sometimes but I don't think so.

"Leena.. you can miss one year of camp.. and of course I planned on you bring Claire and Clayton." He seemed to be trying to reason with me but I wasn't having any of it.

"They're why I go to camp!" Claire and Clay were my kids. I had them when I was 15 but it wasn't one of those I-thought-I-was-in-love moments. I was raped. It's a long story, but I've coped with my demons. I still didn't like to talk about it, but I've come to terms with it.. It was one of the worst things that could happen to me, but I got Claire and Clay out of it.. and I started going to this camp for teen parents, it turned out to be a lot more helpful than I assumed. And I met Abby there and she turned into my best friend! That was another reason I couldn't go to Canada. This was probably our last summer at camp because next year is our senior year and who knew what would happen after that!

"Please don't over react-" *click*

I hung up on him. I hate when people tell me I'm over reacting, it just makes me more angry.

A moment later Jared walks into my room holding up his phone.

"Dad's calling me.."

"Don't answer it!"

"Why not??"

"He just called me. He wants us to go to Canada with him.."

"Canada? Cool." Jared doesn't dislike our dad as much as I do. It must be a father/son thing.

"Not cool. He wants us to stay the entire summer!"

"Whoa.. Well don't worry about it, Mom would never that happen." Jared reassured me. I'd forgotten about that, but he was right Mom would never let dad keep us the whole summer, let alone take us out of the country.

"Yeah, you're right." I smiled slightly. "I have nothing to worry about."

We sat in comfortable silence for a couple minutes then Mom walks in.

"There you two are. You'll never guess who just called me.." Jared and I looked at each other, then back at her.

"Please don't say Dad.." I felt like begging.

"Bingo!" He probably told her he at called both of us..

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2011 ⏰

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