05 [ possessive much? ]

43 4 0

ryleigh? : [ taehyung ]

i'm sorry : [ taehyung ]

ryleigh, plz : [ taehyung ]

fine, ignore me all u want : [ taehyung ]

His eyes burned as he rubbed away the small tears forming in the corners. Taehyung got out of bed, walking over to his bathroom. He turned on the faucet, throwing cold water onto his face.

Soon after, he threw on his dark navy and white uniform, grabbed his phone, and made his way downstairs.

Nobody was there, and Taehyung assumed his parents were already at work.

He sat down at the dining table in silence, eating his breakfast, never feeling more alone. Ryleigh has no idea what she's talking about, Taehyung thought bitterly.

Taehyung stood up, bringing his dishes into the kitchen. Moments later, he was standing in front of his front door, the house keys in his hand, his bag swung over one shoulder.

"It's only the second day," he whispered to himself. "It can't be that hard."

"Hey Taehyung!" Jungkook called, looking up from his phone. He was leaning against the tree that was exactly in between both of their houses. A mischievous smirk played on Jungkook's lips.

"What did you do?" Taehyung asked immediately, his brows furrowed.

"I didn't do anything!" Jungkook protested. "Why do you always think I did something?" he griped.

Taehyung shrugged. "Because I'm usually right."

Jungkook shot him a pout. "Unfair." They walked to school with a momentary quietness.

"Nervous?" Jungkook asked suddenly, breaking the silence. Taehyung shot him a side-eye.

"Context, please?"

"About this afternoon," Jungkook clarified. Taehyung scoffed. "I'll be fine." Jungkook elbowed his friend.

"Don't be mean, okay?" he said. "She has feelings too." Taehyung groaned.

"Yeah, yeah, okay," Taehyung replied, brushing hair out of his eyes.

"And if you don't, I'll find out," Jungkook threatened, his face hard but his eyes sparkling.

"And how exactly will you?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook turned red. He flipped his phone with his fingers absent-mindedly. "Well," he said finally. "I may have stolen her number from your phone."

Taehyung laughed. "Are you serious?" he said once he stopped laughing. Jungkook smiled sheepishly.


"What am I going to do with you?"

Later that day, before lunch break, Taehyung walked over to the locker hallway. He noticed it was more crowded than usual. Taehyung spotted Kai among the many heads, and flinched. What the hell is he doing here? Taehyung thought. His locker is way far down the hall.

He tried pushing through the crowd, desperately trying to reach his locker. Taehyung saw Ryleigh shuffling through whatever stuff was in her locker, somebody behind her.

Horror crept into Taehyung's mind as he predicted what was going to happen next. He opened his mouth to warn her but his voice died in his throat as he watched her next moves.

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