The drive there~1

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"Be careful honey!" "I will be mom, I promise! Love you!" I say as I get into my car. I buckle and start it up as I turn on some music to Jam to on the way to my new college.

As I'm pulling up the driveway to the dorms I see how big the college really is, I'm almost definite that I'm going to get lost a couple times. Anyway I park my car in one of the parking lots next to the boys dormitory and get out.
I get my back packs and suit case from the trunk and lug them in. I look at the paper in my hand that says what from I'm in, dorm number 69, 'ha- ha very funny' I thought.

I find the door to my new dorm and pull out my keys and unlock the door. I set my stuff in one side of the room, I'm guessing that I'm going to have a roommate judging by the extra bed and second bathroom. I take some time to look around my half of the room, it had light gray walls a pretty large window above the queen sized bed. To the left was a door, I opened it and stepped in, it was a bathroom. The bathroom had dark blue walls with grey floor tiles, it had a large shower that could probably fit two people.

I decided to unpack my stuff and then take a shower. while unpacking I got hungry so I went to the small kitchen that was in the dorm, I grabbed a small bag of chips.

While I was eating my chips I heard the door open. "Hello?" I asked as I walked over to the door to see who it was, I'm guessing that it was my dorm mate.


I had just left my sisters house in my truck, I was heading to my new college. *Ding!* I heard my phone go off as I stopped at a gas station. I checked my phone, it was my friend Mike texting me.

MIKE: Hey bro! Just wanted you to know that there's going to be a party at Jane's house tonight! She wanted me to tell you since her phone was dead lol!

YOU: I'll try to be there, I still have to get settled in at my dorm to!

MIKE: okay! See ya there!

I turn off my phone go inside and pay for some diesel, go back outside and pump it and get back in my truck and continue my journey to the college.

I park in one of the many parking lots next to the boys dormitory, I grab my stuff and walk inside the building. I check the paper for what dorm number I have, 'number 69?' I thought I laughed softly to myself as I open the door hear somebody ask "hello?"

I think that's my dorm mate? I follow the voice to the small kitchen the dorm has 'cool' I thought. As I walk in I see a dirty blonde 5'7 - 5'8 tan skinned, green eyed boy. 'he's cut- WAIT what am I thinking! I literally have a girlfriend! plus im not gay'

"uh hello?" The boy asked and broke my train of thought 'right! Im not alone here' I mentally face palmed "oh! hi, your my dorm mate right?" I ask him."yup! I'm Matt!" Ugh so energetic "Jasper" I say as I head to my side of the dorm.

It looked like the other guys from what I observed but I had a window to the right of my bed instead. I unpacked my stuff and headed into a door on my side of the dorm that I assumed was my bathroom, I quickly found that I was correct when I stepped in. I decided to take a shower before getting ready for Jane's party.

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