Because She Protected Me

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why are you crying? Gaara muttered to himself staring at the teardrops in his hands. You know well enough why you're crying...why do you fuss at yourself? You should be upset... Gaara shook his head burying his face into his lap as his entire body began to shake.

Because....she protected you when no one would...always saying she saw my mother in me when I was nothing near kind nor gentle. I didn't understand what she saw but she saw something in me that caused her to defy my father. She may not have understood me but she did not keep herself from me because of that....and yet I never noticed her in return. I was a fool..

Gaara took in a deep hyperventilated breath as he tried to slow his shaking but nothing could stop the trembling that shook him inside and out.

" couldn't control me....but you could couldn't stop me from killing...but you could stop others from killing couldn't silence me...but you could quiet my screaming into whimpers...I didn't understand it..neither did you...but it worked somehow." He muttered to himself as he wrapped his arms around himself, his hands felt cold as ice as if he was still dead. The feeling swallowing him was a feeling he'd only felt once before. The feeling of reality collapsing on top of you in such a way that it swallowed your entire being and numbness cam over you. Yashamaru had been the only to have the luxury of being so precious to Gaara.

"Gaara?" Naruto said quietly, his voice was uncharacteristically soft.

"...what do you need...Naruto?" He replied his voice raspy and harsh.

Naruto jumped back a little caught by surprise. He knew Gaara had a harsher and quieter voice but the tone made it quite evident he was unhappy because he knew he was not sick. "....Are you ok?"  He asked leaning in towards the doorsill.

"I'm fine." Gaara answered him without even a hesitation. He did not want to talk about his problems to anyone, in fact he didn't want to talk about anything.

Naruto sighed, he knew Gaara was lying but he was also not so thick to ask again. Gaara was not the type to enjoy repeating himself and might get angry if he bothered him too much. Instead he left Gaara to whatever was eating at him, it wasn't like he was close enough to him necessarily to pressure him into talking.

"...I'll see you later then Gaara..." Naruto muttered under his breath as he backed away from the door and wandered away. He had already been told to leave Gaara alone and let him recuperate after being dead but he was just curious to actually see him.

"Naruto..." Gaara said calling Naruto back.

Naruto stopped immediately with a glimmer of hope as he half bounced back towards the door to get there faster. "yes?"

Gaara sighed wondering if it was really worth saying or not, however if anyone would believe him it would be Naruto, someone who didn't know much about Chiyo.

"I lied..." He confessed looking up at Naruto.

Naruto's eyes widened a little taken by surprise by the young Kazekage's expression. For starters he had never seen Gaara smile, secondly it didn't help that this smile was a broken being forced to prevent Gaara from breaking down in front of him.  That's a little obvious don't you think Gaara? Was what Naruto would have said if Gaara's face didn't look the way it did. But instead he tried to show a little respect because it was quite clear Gaara was upset.

"This is about Lady Chiyo isn't it?" Naruto inquired remembering that Gaara's expression hadn't changed until he realized Chiyo was dead.

Gaara's smile broadened a little and a couple tears feel from his face. "Maybe..."

Because She Protected Me: A Gaara FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now