Capitulo 10

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My life never been great. Whenever happiness come I got a fear of getting hurt again. It happened again , I trust him with my whole heart , the situation which created turn our world upside - down. I know , he will come , I know he loves me. So many thoughts going on my mind while thinking I reached the police station. I want this to turn out as dream but it's not. Jail and I had an old connection, where you meet your father mostly at home but it's not same for me. My father and I meet most of the time here , It feels like having a huge stone on my heart. They put me to an interrogation room, I want to cry but no tears left I became emotionless. After 15 minutes the officer came I know they won't believe me.

OFFICER:" Why did you do that?"

ROSY:" Whatever I am gonna say you won't believe me."

OFFICER:" Because there's no excuse you can make, Ms. rosy, the case is clear as water."

ROSY:" Sometimes there are some things you can't see in still water until you dive into it."

OFFICER:" You are good in manipulation, but it's not gonna help you."

ROSY:" I have no intention to manipulate you , I know one thing I didn't kill anyone that's it. Whether you believe it or not."

OFFICER:" If I want to believe I can't , there are lot of evidence and you can't escape from it. So no one gonna save you."

ROSY:" He will , he loves me , he will come , he will believe me!"

OFFICER:" You really have a lot of hope miss."

Without hearing any other word they put me in the jail.

OFFICER:" Tomorrow your first hearing gonna take place."

He will come, I know he will. I can't sleep it's already midnight I think . The voice of door cracking grab my attention, a person in a suit entered , I can't see his face properly because the light was very dim. As that person came closed I saw his face. A person I didn't expect , a face I don't want see. I just get the urge to kill. As he came closed to me I throttle him. I put all my energy and strength left inside me. He grabbed my hands and strangle me with his own.

JEREMY:" You are much stronger than I think"


JEREMY:" Do you really want to kill me when I can help you"

ROSY:" HELP? when I beg you to tell the truth you didn't now why? You don't want to help me you just here to laugh at my situation."

JEREMY:" I can tell you why are you here but you have to trust me"

ROSY:" Trust you? You are just a loser who jealous from his own brother and you can't see him happy. And I'm sure you plot all of this." His grip tighten and turn me and we are facing each other. I can see anger in his eyes.

JEREMY:" You believe everything he say huh! But you no idea how dangerous he is. I warned you multiple times but you didn't listen. Whether you believe it or not he plot all of this . He only think about his benefit . And do you wanna know secret ."

He came closer to me and whisper something to my ear, my eyes widened. He's lying I know . He can't do something like this.

ROSY:" I don't believe you!"

JEREMY:" You will , wait until morning and you will everything I said"

He's gone but his words are echoing to my ears. I don't want to feel miserable again. I don't know when sun rise . My first court hearing gonna take place, I want truth to come out.

As I reached court I saw Mike , I smiled I know what circumstances come but I know he will trust me once. The person sitting next to him , reminds me the last night moment, I take a deep breath and stand in the witness box.

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