Chapter 4

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Malia's POV:

I had just come from work, and as expected, Daddy scolded me earlier because I submitted the reports he assigned to me late. Even though I finished everything and there was nothing wrong with the reports I typed, he still reprimanded me.

After work, I changed my outfit and went straight to my friend's bar. I'm currently wearing my comfort clothes. I'm wearing a loose hoodie, baggy pants, and a denim cap that Ate Marabel gave me on my 13th birthday. I don't want people in this place to recognize me.

I'm here almost twice or thrice a week when I finish work early. Aside from our favorite fast-food restaurant with Ate Marabel, this bar is one of the places I go to have some time to be myself.

Hidden Tavern. Owned by the Apulis, specifically Guinevere Apuli, my friend. A private bar that only a few people know about. Most of the people here are from the elite sector or the business industry. They feel safer here, especially since everyone knows which family they come from.

My parents don't know that I come here every time I finish early at the office, but I have to be home by 11 o'clock since that's my curfew time. I'm not a heavy drinker, I'm not a partygoer because I need to get home safely since I always come here alone.

I'm in a VIP room on the second floor, and from here, I can clearly see the people enjoying themselves downstairs. Every night, there are small bands that take the small stage to entertain the crowd.

Guin: "How are you? You seem stressed today." She asked after taking a sip from her glass. She winced a little at the taste of the alcohol. She's a heavy drinker, unlike me who sticks to light drinks.

Why am I here, though? Because I want to hear some good songs. Besides wanting to forget about what's happening in my life through alcohol, I want to hear the beautiful songs that are always entertaining people here at Guin's bar.

"Yeah. Daddy scolded me again earlier at the office." I replied while resting both my elbows on the railings, leaning over to watch the people jamming to the band below.

I felt Guin approach my spot and mimic my position. She also had a glass of alcohol in her hand, just like me.

She was still in her business attire, and it seemed like she had just come from work. After all, she doesn't only manage Hidden Tavern, but also several other bar branches.

I'm really grateful to Guin because she always accompanies me here in her bar whenever I'm around. She doesn't want me to be alone all the time, so instead of mingling with the wealthy people who frequent her bar to socialize, she chooses to keep me company. She's truly a great friend of mine.

Guin: "Hayy. Why is it like that, huh? We have a lot of money. We can buy whatever we want. We have the power. We attended prestigious universities. But why aren't we free?" She asked before taking a sip of her drink.

I didn't turn to look at her, but I knew it was just another gulp of alcohol, given the clinking of ice in her glass each time she drank.

Guin: "I mean, you, for instance. You're 21 now, Ylia. You finished college at such a young age. With your intelligence, you can easily find a job. But why do you keep imprisoning yourself with them?" She continued with her words.

"They're all I have, Guin. I promised Ate that no matter what happens, uunawain at gagalangin ko pa din sila." I replied earnestly, watching the laser lights dance in the dimly lit bar of Guin.

Guin: "Hayyy. Enough with that topic. Since this place serves as your freedom even for just a little while, can you sing downstairs? Just one song. I miss your voice eh hahaha." She requested.

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