chapter 2:small hallways

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Kankri looked up to the taller troll slowly pulling his eyes around his body, skinny and muscular. He looked up back into his eyes, they were so bright they practically glowed burning into the smaller trolls brain.

Kurloz knew what he had to do yanking the small troll into the hallway beside them. The lights were dim and fading with age. Kankri grasped at the collar of the highbloods shirt slightly ripping it with his sharp nails before he swiftly bit down at his shoulder. The small troll began to kiss over the bite marks and up the others neck.

Kurloz looked up and the lights slowly closing his eyes and letting the feeling go through his spine before pushing kankri off of him and onto the opposite wall, pinning him there with his wrists above his head, grabbing both of the mutants hands with one of his own kurloz dragged his hand down that awful red sweater before putting his hand into it and grabbing onto kankris waist.

Kankri gasped and the other troll let go of his hands and pulled the him forward his elbows resting onto kurloz's shoulders. Kurloz rubbed kankri's side as he pressed his stiched lips roughly against kankri's, it wasn't the most comfortable but kankri still squirmed and moaned under kurloz's touch.

The highblood pulled away and looked at kankri smirking lightly and pressing his finger against his stitched lips, walking away leaving kankri there breathing heavily.

((AN: Sorry it took so long for the next chapter, I dont think I will be writing any more of this fic but who knows))

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