Happy 19th Birthday, Anastasia!

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The date was August 18th, 2023. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today at the d'Aglior residence. Ciel and Soleil DuBlois were looking at the module info book.

Soleil: Oh boy... There's 5 Project Sekai character modules having a birthday today. I think I'll have time for only one.

Ciel: But which one?

Soleil: Hmm... Let's talk to Anastasia Gogel (Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2022)) first.

Ciel: Okay. And then after you're gone, I'll ask Stephanie to help me with the rest.

Soleil: Good idea.

They went over to the computer. Ciel invited Anastasia for a chat. She accepted.

Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2022): Hello there. Don't you two have school?

Soleil: School doesn't start until 8. But it takes about an hour to get there.

Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2022): Oh.

Ciel: And besides, I'm homeschooled. We just wanted to say happy birthday, Anastasia.

Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2022): Thanks. I'm turning 19. One more year until I turn 2 decades old. And before you ask, no. I'm not related to Sara Gogel (The Sky After Rain). And I also found out that me and DreamenD Miku have the same first name.

Soleil: Oh yeah. Anastasia Moonblood.

Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2022): Well, you should go to school, Soleil.

Soleil: Okay, I will.

And so, Anastasia signed off from Zoom.

Happy Birthday!! Ichika (2022)'s BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now