Chapter 27 - Character Reference.

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I initially intended the trial to be two chapters long... Here we are on part three! H.x

After a 15 minute recess, Hermione squeezed back along the line of benches to her spot next to Draco Malfoy. Her rear-end had barely hit the seat when the doors to the adjoining room banged open, and Severus was being forced into the manacled chair in the center of the room, again. 

She felt much better for having cleared her head. The other women in the bathroom had given her sympathetic smiles and had cleared the way, as though Hermione was riddled with dragon pox. She had sat on the toilet and massaged her poor feet, which had been compacted into a pair of sharp stilettos donated by Narcisssa. 

Kingsley gathered the attention of the room.

"Thank you all for your patience. We may now continue the trial. I would like to ask Ms Minerva McGonagall to provide her character reference."

There was a murmur that carried around the room, as Minerva stood and made her way down to the podium on which witnesses were to stand. She looked authoritative, but Hermione understand that her kindness truly had no bounds. 

Once she was situated comfortably, Kingsley began. "Could you please state your full name and relationship to the defendant?" 

Minerva tried to catch Severus's eye, but he was staring at a wall. He seemed determined not to look at her. "Certainly. My name is Minerva McGonagall, Order of Merlin First class. I have been a Professor at Hogwarts since 1956. I taught Mr Snape from 1971 until 1978, and then became a colleague of Mr Snape's in 1981, when he returned to teach Potions."

Kingsley gave her a warm smile. "Therefore in total, you have known Severus Snape for 26 years." 

"27 years, actually." Minerva corrected. 

"Yes, well. That certainly does give you ample time to get to know the man. The Wizengamot have presented me with a list of questions, Ms McGonagall, if you wouldn't mind. First of all, was there anything that stood out to you, when Severus was a student of yours?" Kingsley asked. 

Hermione couldn't help but smile slightly at the change in tone. Kingsley clearly had respect for Minerva, as he was using a kinder tone than what he had previously used to address his colleagues. It may have come off as condescending, if Hermione didn't truly know how kind their Minister for Magic was. It was hard to be rude to Minerva, it was likely that she had taught everybody in the courtroom. They all remembered her fierce maternal ways, and her strict but kind teaching method. 

Minerva cleared her throat. "Yes, Severus Snape did stand out. But he was different for the wrong reasons."

There was an audible gasp from the crowd, as they clung on to her words, hoping to wring out every drop of juicy gossip available. 

"He stood out because he was obviously deprived." Minerva rolled her eyes at the crowd. "As deputy Headmistress, it was my role to welcome the new students. Severus looked sickly before he even started his classes. He was skinny and pale, and I reported it to the school matron as soon as I could. It became apparent that he was from an abusive household when he refused to go home during the holidays. You see, most first years get home sick, but not Severus Snape. 

"By the end of his first year, Severus looked like a normal boy. He had gained weight and was doing very well in his classes. I'm afraid to say that I stopped noticing him entirely." Minerva sounded sad. 

Kingsley continued. "You're saying that Severus's school life was uneventful? He was just an average student?" 

Minerva tried to look at Severus again, but he deflected her gaze. "No, he was not average. He was far more academically superior than his peers. Severus was - is - a genius. But he kept his head down while at school, and quietly did what he was told. The only time that things started to go wrong, was when he started to get bullied by a handful of my Gryffindor boys."

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