Chapter:1 The seed

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Chapter: 1(the seed)
(Was it 3457or 7345 ,Ben i just got your  enrollment number in my mind its 5437!My mom screamed (oh by God's grace). Oh wait wh! whe! where is my laptop ,it's on your lap my brainy +bewildered kid .I entered my enrollment number there was silence silences for a minute and screamed with joyy yes I got seat in maxterine university !!!!.OH we just jumped in without intro ,my self Bennie a 19 year old ,people call me Ben (only the close ones ,others don't dare to call )

Rose (Bennieśmom):Ahh! My child did it ,my sunshine did it iam so exited for your new journey my little gem .

Bennie: she gives me a 102929202 names ok whatever yes finally I got selected into my dream university But there is a twist that is...
(what's the twist !oh Bennies dad interrupted )

Matto (bennies dad):It's partyy time

Bennie: yesssss dada

Gavin (bennies elder brother): congrats my little demon

Bennie:well thank

Then suddenly my phone rings its from my childhood bestie
Kei (bennies bestie): congrats my buddy proud of you

Bennie: thank you kei but you know there is a sad part
(That's the twist she was about to say before )

Kei: oh what !?

Bennie: there are many hot guys in maxterine university

Kei : oh what's sad in that you should be happy maddo huh!

Bennie: u know iam happy but sad that my parents warned me they will never accept a guy who I loved in university

Kei :is it my God don't worry we will sort or think this all when you find a guy
Bennie: ok I have to go

Kei: ok catch you later.

Rose: pack your things Ben there are only days that can be countable on finger tips left

Bennie:yes mama
(She was right there are only 8 days left until I leave for university)
It's was day 8 ..

Bennie:i packed all things its time to go
Car horns
Matto : come fast the time is running out

Bennie:  yes coming
Rose :bye my little sunshine (with tearful eys)

Bennie:(I was unable to look at her eyes because I know I will cry if I look) OK mama take care I love you
Rose kisses bennie

Gavin:byee demon love you for this time

Bennie:bye bye
The car starts the new captar begins!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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