Depressed Wife

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Over in Paris's most secluded bars, Marinette began drinking down the bottle of vodka

She slammed it down on the table, breathing heavily

Alec: Miss, maybe you should slow down.

Marinette: I'm fine.

She grabbed her purse, wobbled out of the bar, and went into her car to drive back home

She sighed heavily & groaned, starting to have a migraine

Marinette: (mind) Maybe I shouldn't have drank so much.

She heard her phone ring & answered it

Marinette: Hello?

Alya: Hey, girl!

Marinette: Hey, Alya...

Alya: Oh my god. Are you drunk again?

Marinette: No..

She wobbled & went over to the lamppost, feeling dizzy

Alya: Yeah, you totally aren't. Is this because of Luka?

Marinette: A little bit, I guess..

Alya: Girl, I've told you so many times to dump him! He obviously doesn't care about you!

Marinette: I know that! But I'm trying hard not to... we've been married for years..

Alya: And over the years, he hasn't paid you attention one bit. What about your disorder? Did you find a way to cure it?

Marinette: No..

Alya: Maybe you should stay at my house for a while. I don't think it's best for you to go back home while Luka's there. Wait there. I'll come get you.

She giggled & sighed a bit, her voice slurring

Marinette: Alya! You're the best! I love you! What would I do without you?!

Alya: Yeah. I love you too, girl. And to be honest, you'd suffer a lot if I didn't have your back.

She hung up the phone & grabbed her car keys, climbing into her car & pulling out of the driveway

She drove towards the bar, where she saw her bluenette friend asleep beside the lamppost

She shook her head in disbelief

Alya: Marinette.. oh my god..

She placed her into the passenger seat, placed the seatbelt around her, driving back to her house

She parked in the driveway, going into the house & setting up the bed for her friend

Marinette snored soundly & Alya fixed up the couch, falling asleep

The next morning, Marinette woke up to having a splitting migraine

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