Chapter 2

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"Congratulations Swiftfoot, you've kitted two toms and a she-cat!" The medicine cat exclaimed.
"What's her name?" Crowkit wondered, "Windwhisker?"
Crowkit and his siblings had been kicked out of the nursery while Swiftfoot kitted. The queen had been pregnant for the last couple of moons and had complained about it every day. Crowkit had spent more time than usual out of the nursery to get away from the grumbling queen. A loud mew came from the nursery. Crowkit was already glad he only had to spend one moon in the nursery with the new kits until he was apprenticed.

The three newer kits rolled about the clearing. Crowkit let out a sigh. The kits were constantly getting into trouble and Crowkit and his siblings were the ones who had to keep an eye on them. He began closing his eyes, letting sleep overcome him, when a sharp pain shot through his ear. His eyes flew open and he saw Dustkit latched onto his ear.
"Dustkit get off!" He hissed.
The cream kit flopped onto the floor and curled around Crowkit's legs. Dustkit kicked at them with tiny, blunt claws.
"You need to sharpen those claws of yours!" Crowkit mewed, stifling a meow of amusement.
"I don't need sharp claws when I have.. teeth!" Dustkit cried, sinking his only two teeth into Crowkit's leg.
Crowkit let out a yowl of shock and took the kit off of him. Dustkit spat out a small ball of black fur before looking up at Crowkit.
"Crowkit why don't you grow?" He asked, "I'm almost your size and I'm waaaay younger than you!"
Crowkit didn't know how to respond.
"Uh.. I don't know," he replied.
It was true. He didn't know why he didn't grow as big as his siblings. He was almost an apprentice yet still looked like a two moons old kit.
"I can't wait until I'm taller than you," Dustkit murmured, "then I'll be able to defeat you!"
"Not with those claws you won't!" Crowkit teased, walking out of the nursery.

Crowstar's challengeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें