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That was the one sound that echoed around the enclosed cave. The dripping of condensation from the rocks above to the freezing water below.

Harriet Potter had tried to focus on the other sounds surrounding her, like the breathing of the old headmaster next to her or the swishing of water made by creatures that lurked under the surface of the lake or it could be Dumbledore's fingers reaching into the murky water in the basin behind her, but her focus was on the uneasy feeling that was weighing on her shoulders.

Harriet or Hari for short, had always had a fear of water, she didn't now if it was the feeling of not knowing what was under the surface or the fact she could not swim as well as most but the thought of falling into the lake that surrounded the island had her taking a step back.

"Hari, this potion will show me my darkest of nightmares when I consume it, it will make my mouth feel as though I have not drank anything is years. I need you to feed me the concoction, even if I am begging you to stop. It is the only way." The old headmaster spoke up, seemingly have figured out how to retrieve the locket that once belonged to Salazar Slytherin but was now housing a part of a monsters soul.

"How are you certain? I will drink it, I can't do this alon-" Hari rambled, the thought of having to collect the Dark Lords soul pieces all by herself made her stomach drop to her feet.

"I am certain Hari, when I have finished drinking the potion I need you to grab the locket. Is that clear?" Professor Dumbledore cut her rambling off by taking a sip from the crystal shell. For a moment nothing happened so he continued, his face started contorting with pain but he fought to drink more.

Soon the Headmaster collapsed, holding his head in his hands and begging for the pain to leave. Hari knew what she had to do, the Potter girl grabbed the shell the Professor had been using as a cup and filled it with the murky green concoction, forcing the liquid down Dumbledore's throat while he begged her to stop.

Finally the potion had all gone and at the bottom of the crystal basin, shining in the light from her wand, sat Slytherins locket. Harriet grabbed it before making her way over to check on the old man who was breathing deeply as the pain started to ease away.

"Are you alright, Professor?" Hari asked while handing him the pendant, the man lifted a shaky had to point at his mouth. "Water" he rasped.

Hari stood, quickly making her way over the the basin casting 'Aguamenti,' the bowl filled with clear, cool water. When the girl tried to fill the crystal shell with the fresh water it seemed to repel it, falling through the bottom, when she concluded she couldn't use the water from the bowl she slowly turned her head to the water surrounding the island they were standing on.

Slowly, to assure she wouldn't fall, Hari creeped down the rocks to the edge of the island with caution steps, crouching unsteadily she reached out with the shell in hand to the water below, the water started to fill the shell cup when a bony hand reached out of the murky water and grabbed her wrist in a vice grip, as she tried to pull back the hand seemed to overpower her and she went tumbling into the dark, wet abyss.

She could feel hundreds of hands gripping at her body in different places as she tried her best to break free from their grasp, she held her breath the best she could while getting tired out quickly from all the fighting.

Suddenly, as she was about to let her lungs fill with water, an orange light filled the caves edges, burning everything in its path to get to Hari. She swan as best she could to the edge of the isle grabbing Dumbledore's offered hand that helped to pull her out of the Inferi infested waters.

She coughed into the rocks to remove the water drops that had managed to drip into her lungs, she breathed the air in heavily, thankful to be back on land.

"Hari, are you feeling alright?" The Hogwarts Headmaster asked the Potter girl, she was holding her had to the side of her neck seeming to ease some sort of pain.

"My birthmark, its burning." She answered. Removing her had to inspect her neck, Dumbledore saw how the mark was starting to shift into the shape of a small scorpion. His eyes widened in surprise, soulmarks only took form when a person met their soulmate, it was a very rare gift from mother magic to be given a soulmate.

The Headmaster turned to look at where Hari was staring, where the water had been before now lay a boy who seemed to be around 17 years old with messy black curls that stuck to his forehead, long, thick eyelashes that lay on the bags under his closed eyes. he was donned in a black cloak and leather gloves, with slacks covering his legs.

"Professor-" Hari whispered not taking her eyes of the handsome figure, she started to rise from her spot on the rocks, walking with shaky legs beside the headmaster to see if the boy was alive. Dumbledore ran some tests on him to check for any spells or curses, they came back clear with only traces of elf magic that was keeping him in a deep slumber.

"Who is it Professor?" Hari asked tilting her head at the mark on his neck, she ran her fingers over her own mark, the skin now raised in the outline of a scorpion, the same shape as the boys mark.

"This is Regulus Arcturus Black, he went missing seventeen years ago." Albus answered the girls question.

"Black? as in Sirius?" Potter queried.

"Sirius' brother to be precise, my dear girl. I think it is time to wake him." Dumbledore stated waving his want to rid the boy- Regulus- of the elf magic keeping him unconscious.

Regulus woke with a gasp before he started coughing up the water that had filled his lungs for the past seventeen years. He started to breath heavily his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he passed out.

"Well, we have the locket and now a missing boy." Dumbledore started. "I think it is time to head back to Grimmuald Place." He finished before levitating Regulus' body and walking back to the shore. Hari, who was used to his odd behaver, following behind.


1170 words.

This was the first chapter of 'The Remains of Yesterday' I do hope you enjoyed, I have a LOT of Ideas on how I want this to go but I would like to hear some of your thoughts about this story!

Edit: Hullo Loves!

I wrote this story ages ago on my old account and decided its probably time to show my new readers, I have changed a few words in random paragraphs to make this old story more me.

Hope you enjoy reading!

-MARV0L0 xoxo


Regulus: *coughs up water until he passes out*



Dumbledore: Oh well, looks like we found a missing boy.

Hari: Professor-

Dumbledore: Lets take him home with us, my dear girl.

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