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Goldenboy: sooo robin

Illegalimmigrant: you saw nothing.

Starboy: what happened?

Grilboss: shut your gay asses up Im trying to watch tiktok

Gremlin: just mute the gc 💁

Grilboss: shut up.

Illegalimmigrant: bruce I'll beat tf out of you if you say it

Starboy: Bruce what happened 💀

Gremlin: just say it gay bitch

Goldenboy: anyways soooo Robin what was that thing under your bed...

Gremlin: I'm so confused

Illegalimmigrant: dw bout it

Starboy: what was it??

Goldenboy: starts with a P and ends with a Y

Pinballvance: just say it no one care if he beat you up he got a broken arm

Goldenboy: ighttt.. 😝😝

Starboy: just say it or im telling everyone who you like

Illegalimmigrant: broooooo 😢😢

Gremlin: finney I'm coming to your house

Starboy: which one

Gremlin: what you mean which one?? You Poor af

Starboy: im at Vance's house dumbass

Illegalimmigrant: bruce your being so racist rn 😖😢

Goldenboy: Robin had playboy under his bed.🤪🤪

Illegalimmigrant: no i didnt 🤗🤗 I'm not Robin I'm Batman

Starboy: oh!!

Gremlin: finney wishes he was on playboy for robin

Starboy: WHAT IM 15

Gremlin: shut up I'm with gwen rn.

Goldenboy: 🥰🥰

Pinballvance: finneys a slut

Starboy: and your a slut of b

Illegalimmigrant: 🤨🤨

Goldenboy: Robin aren't you gay

Illegalimmigrant: no??

Starboy: ...

Illegalimmigrant: I like boobs and dick 🗣️🏳️‍🌈

Goldenboy: your bi?

Illegalimmigrant: no Im Mexican

Trashypaperhoe: HELP??💀

starboy: it wasn't that funny

Illegalimmigrant: be quiet

Starboy: okay

Trashypaperhoe: sometimes I forget who put my username this

Goldenboy: it was robin

Pinballvance: Bruce asked me if he could suck my dick 🌚

Goldenboy: no I said if I could tickle your pickle for a nickel

Trashypaperhoe: did you guys forget that there's 12 year olds in the gc

Starboy: it's fine they can just leave

Illegalimmigrant: ugly bitches.

Starboy: girll

Trashypaperhoe: damnnn robin

Pinballvance: hoe you got lice

Goldenboy: guys that was robins little cousin 😭😭

Illegalimmigrant: I was just tryna piss 😢

Starboy: TMI ‼️‼️💁

Illegalimmigrant: smd


Starboy: why'd I get tagged in a little miss north Denver acct 😭

Goldenboy: HELP I SAW THAT

Illegalimmigrant: what it say

Starboy; little miss syd 🥲🥲 it was posted 2 days ago

Goldenboy: who's dick you be sucking finn

Starboy: ..!

Illegalimmigrant: mine

Pinballvance: you so horny for no reason

Illegalimmigrant: aren't you horny for 🏳️‍🌈

Starboy: I wondeeeer whoo


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