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The first thing she felt was the weight shifting beside her, then over her, and finally resting completely on top of her, making sure she couldn't move from her bed. Then, she felt the scent hit her. Lavender and soap. Simple, clean, comforting. Familiar. It didn't quite hit her; it actually snuck up to her until she realized she was breathing in deeply.

Then a small, slightly pointy nose, brushing softly on her own. Warm breath on her cheeks and mouth. Then a soft, cushiony pressure on her lips.
She tried to open her eyes, but the room was dark around them. The figure on top of her didn't move, but kept breathing heavily.

For reasons she couldn't understand (nor cared to), she wasn't even startled. Instead she gave in, and ran her hands slowly over the silhouette pinning her down.
It raised a little bit, relieving her from the pressure, but instead of trying to get up, she ran her hands over the soft curves until she found a toned, slender waist, then wrapped her arms around it and pulled it back closer.

She obtained a hummed, barely audible moan as a response, then again she felt a soft object press against her mouth, this time more plump and moist than the last. She answered eagerly and in kind, confirming it was a small and delicate mouth that she somehow seemed to recognize by touch alone.

She kissed it tenderly, then waited a second for a reaction before realizing the wait would feel like holding her breath under a frozen lake. She kissed it again with more urgency and intensity, then she was kissed back even rougher. Lips bit other lips, slightly sucking and releasing in a desperate, thirsty back and forth of increasing neediness.

They continued to kiss with a dangerous hunger as her hands slid up under the figure's clothes and over its smooth back, pressing greedily against her own body so she could feel all the soft forms that had her locked in place. Another moan, this time louder and more drawn out, reached her ears as the mouth she was kissing pulled away to immediately move down and attack her neck and jawline with delicious kisses, slower and more delicate than the ones she was receiving on her mouth a moment before, but much more sensual.

Four of her senses were assaulted at the same time, as her face got buried in a messy curtain of silky black hair, drowning her in lavender perfume while husky, breathy moans made her head spin, and small kisses around her collarbone gave her goosebumps all over.

She could feel an increasingly wet spot growing in her underwear and a warm tingling sensation building up inside her lower body. Every moment was torture and absolute bliss. Every kiss planted on her chest sent waves of pleasure all over her body. She needed more. She needed more right now, and she needed the person doing this to her to know how much she needed it, how urgent the craving was for more and more.

She placed her hands, slightly shaky from excitement and stimulation, on the sides of the woman's neck as gently as possible, tugging softly to make her look up and lock eyes with her. The room was still dark, but her vision had already adjusted enough to see a pale face with bright, brown eyes looking back at her. Several unmistakable beauty marks ran down it, decorating the bridge of the nose and framing the small but full mouth. Mina smiled back at her.

Then Chaeyoung woke up, accompanied only by the wet spot on her crotch.

Pretend | A MiChaeng StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin