Chapter 21: Eye Eye Eyes | Part 1

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Chaeyoung was hopelessly lost inside the adorable, scrunchy wrinkles that crossed Mina's nose and her puckered mouth. The girl held her Switch with white knuckles, completely immersed in trying -and repeatedly failing- to catch a Pokémon she had been after for a while. Fully irresistible, her frustrated face of deep concentration kept intensifying.
It took a few minutes, but Mina finally noticed the intense stare boring a hole into her and looked up, her features easing into a warm gummy smile in an instant.

"Having fun?" She asked teasingly.

"More than you, that's for sure." Chaeyoung bit the tip of her tongue with smiling teeth.

They were hanging out on Chaeyoung's couch, Mina sitting up straight in one end and the younger girl lying across its length, feet resting on Mina's lap with such comfort and ease that they seemed molded for each other. The heat of a bright summer day shimmered through the window with a mellow warmth.

Mina grunted, getting back into her game. "I've been chasing this Articuno all over the Crown Tundra for days and now that I finally pinned it down it's eating through my quick balls. I think I'll have to switch to timer balls soon, if my Korippo manages to hold out that long."

Chaeyoung's smile went wider, making her show her pointy fang. "I understood about one third of those words, but you have my full support."

The time between their kickoff concerts in Korea and the first leg of their tour had been yet another stretch of lazy sunny days, the kind that made Mina's lower back tense up in anticipation of something that would ruin it. It wasn't a new sensation, it was a Chaeyoung sensation - in the sense that only she could make her feel that way. Sunk in the couch, playing a game and looking up from time to time only to find the sun itself looking back at her with the most beautiful smile on earth, her life felt too good to be true. It had to end at some point. The days kept passing, though, and bliss kept accumulating inside her heart to an amount she hadn't thought possible. Maybe, just maybe, the rain was gone for good this time.

"I'm so close to filling up this Pokédex. I haven't had time to start the new game yet, so I want to get it over with soon." She shook the device and clicked her tongue with displeasure.

"It's still two weeks before we have to start traveling, that's more than enough time for my-" Chaeyoung's smile flickered for an imperceptible instant. "...Minari to become a Pokémon master."

'My Minari? Am I afraid of the word girlfriend? Is she my girlfriend?'

Mina seemed to notice something was up, but she only gave her an ambivalent, though kind and gentle smile. She continued to do whatever she was doing in the game.

The choke of uncertainty wrenching Chaeyoung's heart soon faded, and she got lost in the sight in front of her. So effortlessly beautiful, so near to perfection, so utterly enchanting. Now that she had tasted Mina's lips once, then again, and again, she couldn't get the sensation out of her mind. The small, pouty mouth that had been the object of her obsession for years consumed her even more deeply than she'd thought possible. All she wanted to do was to drink from her, desperately, savagely, to drown herself in it, to feel the chilly moisture of her kisses against the thirsty flesh of her own lips. She had to hold herself back with all her willpower.

The front door opened, startling Chaeyoung out of her heated stupor. Dahyun walked into the living room with a shopping bag in her hand.

"Oh hi! Whatcha got there?" Chaeyoung greeted cheerfully. Dahyun stopped for a moment, then noticed Mina was sitting on the same couch and smiled at her with unwarranted formality.

"I was out shopping. Talk later." She continued to her room, closing the door behind her. Not two minutes later, muffled melodies from a piano started reverberating from inside the bedroom.

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