Maturity/Trigger Warning

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Hello readers, 

Before this story goes up on my profile, rozendior and I would like to add a warning and a couple of notes. This story is marked for young adults because we feel that's the audience that would be most likely to read this, but this story is pretty graphic in descriptions listen below. 

- What is most likely gonna be the opening scene is of a vaguely-worded SA incident with some un-LGBTQIA+-language from an antagonist character. We aren't transphobic, we promise, but the character is. 

- Graphic descriptions of murders and the resulting dead bodies that mention blood and possibly upsetting descriptions of gore. 

- Possible vulgar language. 

We would also like to say that if you're trying to get into Coroika or Splatoon in general, THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT. Read the actual manga and play the games, this is not an introduction tool. 

We'll update this page as the story goes along. Thanks for reading and stay tuned!

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