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If there's one person in the world that Cersei Lannister knows, it's her twin brother Jaime.

The two had shared a womb, came into the world together, suckled from the same mother, slept in the same bed (until their mother separated them), hung with the same people. They were one mind, one body, one soul. At least, that's what she used to think.

Sure, there had been a small (big at the time) falling out over him joining the army at the age of 20. But he had written and talked to her constantly, coming to see her every chance he could and giving her three, wonderful golden lions. Her children, Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen. So she had gotten over it. At least, until his latest tour.

While on tour, the brave idiot had gotten himself captured and lost an arm, leaving her all by herself. She had Robert for a short bit but without Jaime as a reprieve, she found it impossible to stomach him. The two separated soon after.

She had others come and go, but Cersei was a woman of big appetite and none of them had managed to satisfy her hunger. So, she had been ecstatic when Jaime was rescued.

She waited eagerly for his arrival, only to be disappointed. Not only was he a cripple, but he was insufferable as well.

Since coming back, he hadn't touched her.

He claimed that being starved, chained, mutilated, and left to sit in his own waste for the better part of a year had caused him to look at things differently. Cersei believes it has something to do with the blonde, ugly man of a woman that her brother had brought in to train her son in combat. Brienne Tarth.

She watches the three of them from her balcony. Brienne helps Tommen with his stance and follows Jaime off to the side, stepping in every so often with advice and tips.

Brienne says something that she can't make out from here, and Jaime lets out a loud laugh.

She is almost certain of it, yet Jaime has the gall to deny it. It's fine. Cersei will get to the bottom of it herself.

"Mrs.Lannister, Ms.Tarth is here to see you."

Right on time. Since her brother hadn't given her the answer she wanted, she had decided to go directly to the source. Brienne of Tarth.

She'd invited the soldier to have lunch with her in the guise of discussing her son's tutelage.

Cersei takes another sip of her wine, which is her fifth cup today, and nods her head, signaling for her to let the woman in.

The servant opens the door to the personal dining room and in walks the lady of the hour, her expression nervous but polite. Her hair is slicked back and she is in her usual blue training attire.

"Ms.Tarth!" Cersei rises to great, a false smile on her face. "What a pleasure it is to see you."

"Brienne is just fine."

"Of course. Bernadette," Cersei addresses the servant, the only one she ever bothered to remember. Bernadette was her favorite. Half because she was blindly obedient and half because she was her only servant that turned down Robert's advances. "You may leave me and Brienne, alone."

"Yes ma'am," The girl nods and closes the door behind her.

Cersei gestures towards the chair beside her, already pulled out and the stiff giant nods, taking a seat.

She picks up her galleon of wine, pouring some for herself and then Brienne before taking her own seat.

"Oh, I don't really drink." The woman tries to object.

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