17 2 3

GABRIELLE stared at the television, watching a Def Leppard interview about their ongoing tour of America. The whole band could be seen on the screen but Gabrielle's eyes are only focused on one person. And her heart hurts looking at that handsome face. He hasn't spoken a single word yet during the interview and he was just quietly listening to his band mates. Gabrielle swallowed, she can feel tears forming in her eyes. It's been a year since the break up and she hasn't seen him personally since then.

Just then, Sav was asked a question about one of their songs, and she leaned closer to the television. When he spoke, Gabrielle fought the urge to cry. Hearing his voice made her heart hurt more. 'God! I miss that voice!' Gabrielle thought to herself. She saw him smile, but she knew that smile wasn't a genuine one. It felt forced, cold, atleast for her. Gabrielle couldn't take it and she turned off the television. Her tears started to fall like rain. It's been a year and she's still like this, still feeling the pain, the guilt of letting Sav go just because she let her anxiety and insecurities win over her.

There was no one to blame but her, breaking Sav's heart just because she was not sure of hers was the biggest mistake she had ever done in her life. But she wasn't prepared to be faced with doubts, jealousy and insecurity towards their relationship. She realized she wasn't really that prepared to be in a relationship like that. Being in a relationship with someone famous turned out to be a hard one. And their long distance relationship made it worse because she couldn't have the peace of mind. But it's not because she was scared that Sav was going to cheat on her, it was just the weight of everything that made her do what she just did a year ago.

Even though she loves him deeply, she had to do it for herself, to have her peace of mind, but it turned out, it was a mistake and it only made her hurt and guilty and she didn't know how to make things right again with Sav. Sav reached out to her countless times, even visiting her apartment countless times just to talk to her but she turned him away.

Because she didn't know how to face him. She was scared of what he was going to say to her, of his anger, of his judgement. And after that last phone call he made to her, where she just listened to him say 'I'm sorry Gabrielle. If you---if you really don't want anything to do with me, okay... This will be the last time i'm going to try and talk to you. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel bad about yourself, or---I love you Gabrielle, so much---I can't---'  and then she hung up crying like she lost everything. And that was the last time she heard from him.

And since then, she made sure to avoid topics about him or about their break up. She didn't want to talk about it because she would just feel guilty about it. Because it was her fault that they ended up like that. And it's a good thing that Sav was on tour with the band because at least he was somewhere far away.



"You okay mate?" Joe asked Sav while they were sitting together at the lounge area of the studio. They just finished their tv guesting and Sav seemed to be absent-minded all throughout the interview.

Sav just looked at Joe and forced out a smile. Joe sighed heavily and patted Sav's back. "It's Gabrielle huh?.." Joe said carefully. He threw Sav a knowing look. Sav swallowed. Even hearing her name makes his heart hurt.


3 months later...

"Oh gosh, Gabby, have you seen this already?" Diana rushed inside Gabrielle's office holding a copy of ROCK You magazine. Diana's face showed that she was worried and Gabrielle felt a bit nervous of what she was going to show to her.

"I mean---" Diana hesitated. Gabrielle sighed heavily and grabbed the magazine that was folded at a certain page and there Gabrielle saw paparazzi photos of Sav with a woman. There was even a photo of them at the Video Music Awards held last month. Gabrielle knows the woman, she's Alina Meyers a famous runway model. Gabrielle swallowed. There were a couple of photos on the page but Gabrielle's eyes stuck to one photo where Sav was holding Alina's hand while walking together with the band. She swallowed, seeing that photo felt like a dagger was stuck to her heart. She read the small italicized caption under the photo. 'Rick Savage spotted with his rumored girlfriend, runway model Alina Meyers while coming out from the VMA's. The two have been spotted together a lot of times on dates and with friends.' Gabrielle forced out a smile and handed the magazine back to Diana.

"That's good, they look great together Diana.." Gabrielle mumbled. Diana gave her a worried look.

"Come on Diana, it's okay, i'm okay... He can date whoever he wants Diana, he's a single man. I don't think---"

"He's still your man Gabby..." Diana stated.

Gabrielle was caught off guard by Diana's words. She cleared her throat and turned away from her friend. "No, he's not Diana, I already broke up with him. And that was a year ago too---I don't see why I have to---"

"You still love him Gabrielle. I think you have all the right to be mad or hurt or---"

"No—Diana... I don't want to. Okay? Let's just leave it like that. Please, I don't want to talk about him or whatever—" Gabrielle sat back on her swivel chair. She started typing on her computer and completely ignored Diana.

Diana sighed sadly. She knows Gabrielle never really stopped loving Sav...


SAV stared at Alina. He smiled softly while looking at her beautiful face. he caressed her face and flashes of Gabrielle's beautiful face appeared to him. He was taken aback. Alina leaned closer to him, feeling worried. "Are you okay Sav?"

Sav turned to face her again and he blinked his eyes. Seeing Gabrielle's face while being with another woman is hauntingly painful. He didn't realize how much he still misses the woman. He wanted to get mad at her for doing what she did to him but he can't. He just pushed all her memories into the depths of his mind but she still haunts him.

He forced out a smile and lightly pinched Alina's chin. "I'm okay. I'm just a little exhausted, that's all." Sav answered and leaned back on the sofa.

Alina followed him with her gaze. The sly smile on her face indicated that she wanted to do something naughty. Sav breathed deeply when Alina leaned down to him and gave him a rather 'hot' kiss. And just when Alina was about to lay herself down on Sav, the office door opened. Causing the woman to jump up and hastily fix her hair and her dress that seemed a little off.

"Ohhh!! Sorry about that!" the freckled face pretty girl peeked at the door and Sav automatically gave her a sweet smile. It was Dani, their band's personal assistant.

"Uhmmm, sorry to interrupt you lovelies, but Miles asked me to call Mr. Savage to his office to talk about something." Dani said beamingly. The girl doesn't seem to mind what she just saw. It seemed like a normal occurrence to her.

"I'll be there in a sec Dani. Thanks babe." Sav said and Dani waved them goodbye. Leaving the office door still opened halfway. Whether she did that on purpose or not, is a mystery.

"She had to barge in at the right moment huh---" Alina mumbled while fixing her hair.

Sav gave out a chuckle and stood up. He gave Alina a peck on the cheek.

"I'll see you later Ali..." Sav said and disappeared out the door.

He saw Dani just a couple of steps in front of him and he walked faster to catch up to her.

"You know your timing was a bit off." Sav said laughing to himself.

He heard Dani snort and he looked at the girl. "Really? I thought I saved you in time! She was gonna eat your face off. You should be thankful!" Dani said and laughed her ass off while running away.

Sav was left shaking his head. He knows Dani doesn't really like Alina. Dani started working for the band while he was still with Gabrielle and the two of them we're really close to each other. Dani adored Gabrielle. Gabrielle was like an older sister to Dani.

Sav sighed as he remembered Gabrielle again.

'Oh God...' he thought to himself as he can't seem to escape memories of her. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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