Class is Over

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The first few classes ended, others eventually walked to the cafeteria, to chill. The Toys, a group of freshmen and one sophomore, always decided to go to an empty classroom.

Bruce's POV

As I walked to room 106, I saw my older brother, Blake, I stared at him, he waved at me with his only available arm. Since I was already pissed off, I waved to him and sent him a text. I saw my friend, Chelsea, she was known as being the sluttier version of Lucy, which I don't see, besides the fact they're both dumb blondes. She ran up to me, grabbed my arm, and ran to the classroom. "CHELSEA THIS HURTS!" I screamed, being dragged through the crowded halls by a girl 2½ inches taller than me. "THAT'S THE FUN PART!" She screamed, people started staring at us while trying to go to the cafeteria. She pushed me into the classroom and locked the door. "What the fuck happened out there?" Theodore said, looking up from his Nintendo. "I found Bruce!" Chelsea said, sitting on the floor. "I'm so tired of the drama today, Felyx walked up to me and started mentioning how I used to have a crush on Flynth.." Marley said, turning on the projector.

"Thats your fault for having a crush on Flynth, me personally I could never." Chelsea said, eating her lunch. "Its not my fucking fault I liked him, you obviously can't relate to liking anyone since your such a fucking slut.." Marley said, pissed off. Theodore and I stared at each other, then back at the girls. Chelsea looked devastated and on the verge of tears, Marley wasn't really the type to talk back or curse during middle school. "I have to do something.." Chelsea said, getting up, and walking out. Marley stared at her lunch for a few, then at me and Theodore, and started crying. "Marley, its okay, she started it.." I said, trying to reassure her. "Yeah, she'll be fine.." Theodore said, putting his hand on her shoulder

Chelsea's POV

I ran to the restroom and locked the stall door, I felt like throwing up, I hated Marley so much during middle school, but something changed during the summer, I couldn't just stop being mean to her all of a sudden though. The restroom door opened, I started throwing up though, it was unexpected, but I couldn't stop. I heard footsteps, but I decided to just ignore them. "Chelsea?" the voice said, I could tell it was Marley from the tone of their voice. "Chelsea, are you in here..?" Marley said, approaching the stall I was in. I stopped throwing up, and opened the stall door. "What do you want.." I said, with disdain. Marley stared at me, "Are you okay..?" she said, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Do I look okay to you?" I said, glaring at her. She was about to speak, but I started gagging. She turned me around, seeming to understand, I threw up, she pat me on the back the entire time. "Th-Thank you.." I stammered, looking off to the side. "You should wash your hands.." Marley said, walking me out the stall.

I washed my face and hands, when I looked up, she was staring at me. "Uh, Chelsea.." Marley said, putting her hands together. "What do you want." I said, turning to her. "Your shirt is kinda.." Marley said, pointing at the mirror. When I looked into the mirror, I had realized my shirt had a bit of vomit on it. "Oh.." I said, disgusted. She pulled a shirt out of her bag and gave it to me, I walked into a stall and changed. "Your gonna get dress coded, you know that right?" she said, staring directly at my exposed stomach. "I always get dress coded, thats why I rarely hang out with you guys." I said, putting on my jacket. "It is? I just thought you didn't like hanging out with us.." she said, confused. I grabbed her wrist, and we started walking

"Chelsea your gonna get dress coded, I can't keep busting you out of detention." Markos said, lifting his mask slightly off his face. "I don't care." I said, walking past him dragging Marley to her class. We eventually ran into Dylan, another one of Bruce's brothers "Oh hello, uh.." Dylan said, trying to figure out our names. "Its Marley and Chelsea" Marley said, swinging her arms around. "Oh, that makes a lot of sense, I think.." he said, staring into my soul. I started walking past him, we were gonna be late and I didn't need another reason for my mom to be called. "Oh, you walk really fast.." Marley said, barely able to walk to the point I was dragging her. I walked into the class we shared and sat her down. I started to wonder what the boys were doing..

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