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Meredith thought, partly because knowing something is not the same as experiencing it. And then she thought, because I was hoping I was wrong.
"Stefan—please. Whatever your race is, you are not. And some of what I felt was sheer fear and unfamiliarity."
"No, you were right the first time. It's not something you should have to get used to. Under any circumstances. I'm a—" Meredith's cell phone chimed.
Like an automaton she picked up. "Yes? Matt? Yes, we're just finishing up here. I know time is running out. We'll hurry." She put the phone down and looked at Stefan.
"The rest of my dinner getting impatient?"
Meredith just couldn't deal with the selfhatred behind that comment. She turned away. Then, without looking at Stefan, she said, "Matt was right, you know. Time is running out."
Meredith brushed her hands together to show that she was done. Then she picked up her purse. "I have to think a little, Stefan. Then maybe we can talk again."
"Right," Stefan said dully. She knew he knew without either of them having to say it, that their relationship would never be the same. That they might not have any relationship even if somehow they both survived this night.
He reached to help her into her windbreaker, but she took it from his hands and put it on herself. Her eyes were ashamed and apologetic, but she did it anyway. Somehow she didn't want to be catered to by homo sapiens superioris right now.
"Stefan, I'm—I'm sorry. But no matter what, I've got to turn Bonnie over to you now."
Bonnie, the smallest, youngest, most fragile of any of them. Stefan opened his mouth, but Meredith was already turning to unlock and open the door by herself. She turned back to say only one thing.
"It's the biggest cliché in the human world, Stefan, but please be gentle with her. And it's not such a big cliché, but if you aren't, and we survive tonight—well, then it's going to be me coming after you. The meat bites back!" Stefan didn't smile. Silently, he nodded. He could never have guessed what he was promising with that one small gesture.

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