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                   ♡ Vin Elena ♡

       °First story from vin Elena °

            ° short romance story °


£ this is my first story  so if I wrong or specially typo , just tulis dekat comment. Kadang I tak perasan

£ semua Yang berlaku dam cerita INI hanya lah rekaan semata Mata Dan Nama watak , tiada kaitan dengan dunia sebenar.

£ the ideas 100% from my head. No plagiarism.

£ please don't leave bad words about my characters or the storyline. Kalau ade ape - ape tak kene just tell me politely.

£ author still newbie jika Ada kekurangan maafkan Dari segi perceritaan.

£ don't forget to support me.

Start : 4 july 2023
End : 19 August 2023

- jangan Lupe baca sec story author Yang bertajuk " bidadari milik harith".  - sad romance -


     All right reserved by vyxxsyyz

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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