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In case y'all don't understand 😭

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In case y'all don't understand 😭

1st) Notes related stuff.

Notes are basically music notes but y'all may not know how it works of you never learned singing, or never played an instrument.

There are 7 notes. There are classified from the lowest to the highest. I use letters rather than do re mi etc.. it's the same don't worry.

C (Do)
D (Re)
E (Mi)
F (Fa)
G (Sol)
A (La)
B (Si)

C is the lowest, B is the highest. And there are 8 octaves. So C4 means note + octave (C, 4th octave)

There are also semitones, flat (♭) and sharp (♯). You can mark them as b and # but it can be seen as "unprofessional". ♯ is a semitone higher than a note and ♭ is a semitone lower than a note but they mean the same thing. Ex: D♯ and E♭5 are the exact same thing, you just choose a way to mark the semitone (so either flat or sharp)

Notes and semitones classifications

C - C♯
D - D♯ or E♭ (It's the same)
E - No semitone*
F - F♯ or G♭
G - G♯ or A♭
A - A♯ or B♭
B - No semitone*

*E and F are already a semitone apart
*B is the last note of an octave, so it goes back to C from the next octave.

2) Octaves.

Still notes related but more generally. An octave is an interval between one musical pitch and another. There is a total of 8 octaves althought the 8th octave is mostly like unreachable for humans.

The highest note record in kpop is held by Red Velvet Irene. She hits a D7 in RBB (basically she was screaming but yeah)

Helpful thing to know: on a piano the lowest not is A0 and the highest is C8.

3) Voice classifications

You may have learned this at school but voices are classified.

Female vocal types are:
Mezzo Soprano

Male vocal types are:


There are a bunch of variables for those vocal type, however i will only use the general types because i don't know much about those variables.

Right now, i don't have anything else to say, but anything asked in FAQ will be uploaded here.

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