Chapter 1: The Meeting....

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Arcade sat down at the bar, exhausted after a long day of being Arcade. The bartender came over and asked what Arcade wanted to drink. Arcade said " I want a large soda now!!!! make it quick you FATTY!!!!!!". The bartender proceeded to explode into little pieces. "fine..... I'll do it myself" sighed Arcade.

He reached over the table to pour himself a drink. "oh buddy oh boy how i lalalalalooove soda!!!!" Arcade exclaimed. He returned to his seat, only to almost shit his pants in shock as he saw a huge juicy humanoid burger sitting next to him. 

"uh, h-hi!" Arcade said nervously as the burger stared him in the eyes. The burger moved ever so slightly closer to Arcade and spoke: "did you know i have 3 meatballs......" Arcade inexplicably blushed, looking away from the burger as he continued to gaze upon Arcade.

"hey wannan play sum poker"  The burger said grinning deviously at Arcade. He looked at the burger, who was still grinning at him. "h-hey uh what's your n-name" Arcade stammered, still flustered. The burger pulled out a candy cane from his insides and put it in his mouth, chewing it.

"The names booth, but you can call me booth" Booth said, laughing because he just thought of something really funny.  Arcade and Booth stood up from the bar table and walked towards the poker table where 3 or 4 people were already gathered. 

"Arcade and Booth sat down at the table where V2 ultrakill, thankful green fish, radiant day and famine (one of the horsemen of the apocalypse) were sitting playing poker and eating wood off the table. Booth sat next to Arcade, making sure he was as close as possible. 

They were about to start playing when booth took out a device with a red button on it and pressed it. They heard a jet engine above their heads and realizing what was about to happen, jumped out of the way. The jet hovered above the bar and released a bomb upon it. The bomb hit the poker table and blew apart half of the bar. The blast had hit the exact middle of the table and killed V2 ultrakill, famine and thankfulgreenfish, leaving radiant day to go pee in the toilet because sometimes thats just how life goes. booth and Arcade were left alone at the now ruined table, holding each other closely. 

The 2 stared at each other, they both blushed as they let go of each other and awkwardly looked away. Then Arcade grabbed Booth, pulling him close and whispering in his ear "hey... wanna make out" booth smiled a devious grin that ranged from ear to ear before he pinned Arcade against a nearby wall and started making out with him...


chapter 2 when my balls heal they hurt a lot rn

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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