Chapter 1 [Where It All Began]

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[Sebastian's? pov:]

It was a nice morning, I opened the blinds to see the blue sky. It's a shame I dont have any friends to share this lovely day with. I got out of bed and got dressed, brushed my teeth you know the normal stuff, I got a wet cotten bud and dabbed in on the scar on my left eye, I got injured in a car crash and I have to clean it every day to avoid infections. I rushed down stairs to see my mum making breakfast.

"Morning mum!" I called out, she turned to look at me. It had been hard for both of us recently since my brother went missing, I could see heavy bags under her eyes.
"Morning sweetie!" She called out. I ran over to her and pulled her into a hug.
"Why don't you go sit down and I will bring over you breakfast in a second?" I nodded and ran over to the table and took a seat right by the wall, it was my favorite spot because it was my brothers favorite spot and it reminded me of him.

My mum walked over with 2 plates of pancakes, she placed one in front of me and one in front of her and sat down.
"Any luck on Lucas?" I asked while eating my breakfast. My mum looked at me and sighed,
"Listen, they have called off the search..."
My heart dropped
"WHAT WHY?" I yelled as tears started to form in my eye

"Because it has been to long, he would've died by now" I was shocked, why would this happen? There has to be a bigger explanation to this.
"But as long as we have each other , I think things will be fine." We ate our breakfast in silence, once I finished I put my plate in the sink.
"Im going on a walk" I grabbed my phone and earpods and opened the front door
"Please stay safe" my mum looked at me with pleading eyes as I walked out the door
"Will do mum, will do"

I got outside and put in my airpods and walked down the road. I walked and walked for about 10 minutes before arriving at the allyway to the store, I walked down there. I did this most days because I had nothing better to do. That was until I heard a scream coming from the other side of the ally. I took out my airpods and ran towards it because I'm stupid after and obviously have a death wish.

As I got to the other side I turned the corner and immediately stopped. Laid in front of me was another person covered in blood. I heard a gunshot behind me and as I turned around there was a tall man holding a gun and before I knew it I was shot in the stomach. They walked over and pulled out a knife, I knew this was the end. I wasn't going to survive this.... I was stabbed in the back and fell to the ground.

[Seeks pov:]

Everything was dark for the moment.... I opened my eye to see a long hallway. All I could hear was rain.
"Is this heaven?" I thought to myself
I looked down to see ... Ink? I screamed
"WHAT THE HELL?" I tried to stand up but fell to the floor. I heard some talking before the door at the end of the hallway burst open.

"NEW PERSON!!!" someone yelled, they were neon green with deep black eyes and a large mouth. They charged over to me. I tried to stand to get away from them but failed.
"Hi there! I'm ambush what's your name?' It smiled at me waiting for my response.
What was my name? Did I seriously forget my own name?
"I uh-" what was I supposed to say?
"Did you forget your name aswell?" Ambush asked me. I nodded.
"Well I guess we will call you.... What about seek?" I nodded again, it was an odd name but I guess it works.

We talked for a while, he explained pretty much everything I needed to know about the place and why we were here and other stuff like that.
"Why don't you come meet the other entities?" I wasn't too sure because I'm not that good around new people but I agreed anyway. He brought me to a large wooden door that said "50" on the top, I pushed it open to see around 10 probably more entities in the.... Library?

Most of them turned to look at us while others continued their conversations.
"Hey ambush, who's this?" They were around the same height as ambush and were glowing blue with sparkles.
"This is seek! I found him at door 35 and decided to bring him here" I nervously waved at the entity in front of me, she waved back before grabbing my hand and leading me to everyone else.
"Everyone listen up!" She called out as everyone turned to her and me, I'm assuming she was the boss or something of this place.

"This is seek. Her just arrived here so everyone be nice." She said as somebody in the crowd raised their hand, they were glowing purple and had a bunch of eyes.
"Yes eyes?" So that was their name, made sense.
"Didn't we all just arrive here though? We all just came here with no clue why" He said looking around at everyone else.
"Well yes but seek is the newest so who would like to go explore?" Everyone nodded.
I'm assuming because of the amount of people we had to be put in pairs. I was put in a pair with Figure. He was tall, had no eyes and his ribcage was on the outside of his body.

"So, your seek right?" He asked me, his voice with soothing.
"Yeah that's me!" I replied looking up at him.
"And your figure?" I asked back a bit sarcasticly
"Yep!" He had such a bright voice, I loved it.
We came across a room with a bunch of paintings in it, I called him over to come take a look,
"Yo fig, come look at this!" I realized what I had just called him, did I just give him a nickname?
"Did you just tell me to look-?" He seemed confused
"Uh yeahhh?" I sat there thinking for a moment, what did he mean by that?
"Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I'm blind" WHAT? WHY DIDN'T HE TELL ME THIS BEFORE HAND?
"oh...uh...this is really awkward..." I didn't really know what to say
"No worries! I don't think anyone knew until I told them"

We explored the hotel for a bit then we went back to the library to eat dinner.
The table was akwardly quiet so I decided to try strike up a conversation.
"So did anyone find anything interesting?" I said hopefully seeing if I could get some good awnsers.
"Me and hide found an outside area with a odd looking statue" jack replied, after that, we went back to silence.

--end of chapter--
HAHA CLIFF HANGER, it was a bit rushed cuz my friends are impatient but I will get started on chapter 2 ASAP

1213 words wtf

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