Crossroads | SKZ Felix

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The pitter-patter of raindrops falling on the ground etched onto his distraught mind and morphed into a web of an unspoken nightmare. This unspoken nightmare had been lurking in the back of his mind for as long as he could remember, a possibility he dared not imagine even in his wildest dreams, except it had now become the shattering reality. The fact that he loved her was an understatement; he had vowed to become her shield, he had promised to himself to be her parallel line years ago. It was okay if his devotion towards her went unnoticed, it was okay if his feelings for her were unrequited, it was okay if she... it was never okay if she was no longer living in this world, leaving him all alone sinking in the deep end. The emptiness, the loneliness, the fear and the despair of it all was consuming him alive. He had failed her.

He lost her.

Liran was nowhere to be found.

Felix was quick to notice her absence, where no one else had a second thought that the changeling hanging out with them was anyone but her. How could he not notice? They had been closest buddies since their earliest days in childhood. He could even sense her presence with his eyes closed. She often tried to creep up to him behind his back, failing to surprise him every single time. They were best friends, they were soulmates, they had each other's back. But the last interaction he had with her was bitter. He was mean to her, refusing to give her the time of day. Just because she attempted some harmless matchmaking.

"What was that about?" Felix calmly said this to her two days ago, after the stage management class.

Liran looked at him questioningly but said nothing.

Felix titled his head, eyes narrowed, a smile pressed on his lips. "I see what you did there. You're trying to pair me up with Sohee."

"She's cute," Liran said as a matter of fact, busy packing her things inside her messenger bag. She added after a brief second, "Also she seems interested."

Felix felt a sharp pang on the inside but tried not to focus on it that much. He fell for her a long time ago and he was more than certain that his best friend didn't share the same feelings as him, let alone with the same intensity. He didn't really expect her to like him back, at least not anytime soon. Nevertheless it hurt every time Liran would try to find him a prospect, convinced that she was doing her friend a favor. She was doing exactly the opposite.

He always had an inkling that Liran could tell what he felt for her. After all, it wasn't like he ever tried to hide his feelings. He might not have ever directly confessed to her but he always had subtle and at times not so subtle gestures to show how much she meant to him. And she never backed away showing how much he meant to her, after all, they're soulmates. But from her end, it was strictly platonic. And to be honest, he was okay with it. She didn't have to reciprocate. But this meddlesome 'let-me-find-you-a-cute-date-you-love-cute-girls-right' attitude never failed to make him feel annoyed and bitter. When did he say he likes cute girls? Just because he's a fan of the girl group Twice? Felix might've been too sweet and nice of a person to ever give a mean reply, and he never wanted to hurt Liran or anyone, but this business needed to end once and for all. He just wanted to be left alone with his heart and feelings. Was it too much to ask for?

"Oh," was the response his broken heart could come up with.

"Do you want her number?" They began walking out of the classroom.

"Did you give her mine?" Felix asked, a little alarmed. He wasn't up for saying no directly to this Sohee girl. Facing such situations always left him drained. He was never the best at confrontation.

"Not yet."

"Don't." Oops. That came out a bit harsh. She paused on her tracks and looked at him a bit worriedly. Felix collected himself and said, "Please don't do that."

Crossroads | SKZ Felix | Junkyard Universe#3.25 ✓Where stories live. Discover now