Goodmorning and hang on

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Tessa released a loud yawn and sat up, stretching her arms up above her head. Quickly she lowered her arms again, wincing at how sore and stiff she was. Looking around she was startled, she didn't know where she was, she was in an unfamiliar room and turning she saw a young woman asleep on the floor but who- oh, right. It all came flooding back to her, she was staying with Jax. Now calmer she took in the room now that it was lit, there was a small window with light streaming through it, that must have been what awakened her. It was much dirtier in daylight, but Tessa didn't really care all that much. She rolled over and sat up, setting her feet down on the floor. Tessa let out a soft hiss, the floor was really cold on bare feet, why wasn't she wearing any socks? Oh yeah, they were soaked. Sighing she stood up, moving slowly and stiffly Tessa went into the bathroom, picking up her discarded jeans from the night before she hung them over the top of the shower, in hopes they would air dry. Looking in the mirror Tessa examined herself. Boring long brown hair, only slightly wavy. She always wanted to do something to it, but she was too afraid of something going horribly wrong. Deep bags under her eyes from so many sleepless nights. Faint freckles could barely be seen under her tan. Tessa peered at the mirror, moving closer to it because she couldn't see very well, she had left her glasses at home. At home. Oh no. Her parents must be so worried! Flailing Tessa burst out of the bathroom, going to shake awake Jax. The commotion however had woken up the young woman before Tessa got the chance to shake awake her host.
"Wha-What's wrong? Tessa?" Jax bolted into an upright sitting position, rubbing the palms of her hands over her eyes, disoriented. Looking up she saw the panicked expression painted over her guest's features. "What's wrong?" Jax asked again, standing up and seeming more awake and aware. "Are you hurt?"
"No, no nothing like that, I just realized my parents have no idea where I am!"
"Oh, okay" Jax let out a sigh of relief and grabbed her iPhone, checking the time. "Alright so it's around 11 Am, your parents shouldn't be too concerned, they know you're at a friends house right?"
"Oh, uh yeah, you're right."
"So you can just call them now, smooth over any ruffled feathers, it's going to be fine."
"You're-you're right, uh, do you mind if I stay a little bit longer though? I don't want to go home and explain where my clothes went or anything. I just don't want to deal right now."
"No no I don't mind at all, I'm assuming since it's summer you've graduated high school so you don't need to be anywhere anytime soon, right?"
"Yup, I don't even have a job or a collage lined up, I was...trying to disconnect from the world so I wouldn't...hurt anyone."
"Ah." Jax looked over at her new....friend? She wasn't sure how Tessa felt about her, maybe she hated her for preventing her from.... doing what she wanted. "Well you're an adult now and I'm happy to have you, so you can stay with me as long as you like, but you should still let your parents know where you are, here." Jax passed her phone over to Tessa.
"Thanks, I really appreciate it, you're sure you don't mind?" Tessa started typing in what was presumably her home phone number.
"Not at all." Jax smiled at Tessa's concern, she really did mean it, she was thrilled to have someone to talk to for once, as she was a bit of a loner.
Tessa gave Jax a grateful smile before putting her phone up to her ear and starting to pace.
"Hey!" Jax listened to Tessa talk, she didn't mean to but it was a small room. "Yeah it's me.... her name is Jax.....Can I stay longer please?.... I'm not sure, maybe an hour or two, maybe a day or so if it's okay with me.....She has her own place ...... I'm an adult now Dad, you can't stop me!.....Fine.... I'm sorry ...... Promise..... Dad! don't know all my friends okay? She's cool..... Okay I'll tell you.... Yes sir.... Bye." Tessa hung up and turned back to Jax as she ceased her pacing. Jax hurriedly looked away, attempting and failing to look as if she hadn't been listening.
"Thanks Jax, here's your phone." Tessa passed Jax her phone back, kindly not mentioning how obviously Jax had been listening.
"Oh! Thanks," Jax accepted her phone, blushing slightly when she realized that she hadn't been fooling anyone. "Anyways, I wasn't really expecting guests so would you mind going to target and the grocery store with me? I think you'd prefer some better fitting clothes and something to eat."
"Ah-yes, food would be good, but you don't need to worry about clothes, it's okay I promise, I can just run home and grab some."
"I thought you didn't want to go home?"
"I don't, but I know my dad's schedule and when he's out, I can just slip in real quick, it's no big."
"Okay...." Jax was doubtful, even though Tessa lived there Jax still felt as if this was crossing a line. Oh well, she couldn't really afford new clothes anyways.
"Cool so it's a deal, he should be out of the house in about a half hour so I guess we should go now, if that's okay with you."
"Yup, let's go, I guess it's a good thing I'm still wearing yesterday's clothes then." Jax pulled on an old pair of black converse high tops and went over to the door with Tessa trailing after, her bare feet padding softly on the floor.
"Oh. Huh." Jax looked at Tessa, noticing her lack of shoes, "This floor is nasty, here." Jax let out a soft grunt and scooped up Tessa, holding her bridal style.
"Oh! Uh it's okay really, I know I'm awful heavy." Tessa wrapped her arms around Jax's neck anyways, to keep from falling.
"Nope it's cool, you weigh about as much as a Chihuahua." Jax sounded a little out of breath however as she carried her friend down the hall and into the elevator. "Do you mind hitting the button thingy?"
"Okay," Tessa let one arm go from around Jax's neck, quickly hitting the button for the ground floor before returning her arm to Jax, she had missed the comforting heat.
"And we're here!" Jax announced, stepping out of the elevator and walking through the lobby, ignoring the look she got from the person on duty at the register. "Alright, this is the hard part," Jax turned around and tried to open the door, oddly enough she was successful. Walking over to her bike Jax sort of bent over awkwardly, attempting to lower Tessa onto the back of her bike.
"Thank you," Tessa barely got out her thanks before laughing hysterically, Jax looked offended.
"I, ah, I'm sorry, I just find this whole situation hilarious, I just met you last night and you just carried me bridal style through a motel that smells like drugs so we can sneak into my own home to steal clothes, and frankly the face you're making right now is priceless." Tessa took a deep breath and tried to suppress her grin, looking at Jax.
"I, well when you say it like that..." Jax started laughing as well before swinging herself up onto the bike.
"Don't forget your helmet, safety is important." Jax passed Tessa her backup helmet and put on her own.
"Yes Mom." Don't
"Don't give me that sass young lady, safety is important. And without the visor you'll catch bugs in your teeth."
"Oh. Good point."
"Hang on!" Jax laughed as Tessa's arms were instantly around her, clearly she didn't want the experience of nearly falling off like last night. Jax flicked up the prop and hit the gas, tearing out onto the highway.

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