Surprise, Surprise

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Days been going by and I'm not gonna lie I've been miserable. Idk if wether or not it's because me and Shawn haven't spoke for a while but I miss him. He tried reaching out but it's like everytime he does call, I think of that night and how it went. I do miss his hands and how he moved them around my body .. or maybe how he handled me and how he had my legs.... "Bitch wake tf up, focus focus" I said as I snapped myself out of the sexual trance I was just in. "Hey Destiny", one of my annoying co workers said as they walked into my office.

 I rolled my eyes before turning around and said "Hey" she continued and said , "So idk if wether or not you heard but for the past couple of days you've been getting flowers constantly from this person and the office in the back is getting too full..are you thinking of idk taking them home ?!" She said with an attitude. "No actually", I said with the same attitude BUT with a smile, "The office needs the smell and the aura from the flowers to brighten this place up a bit", I said while waiting for a response as she turned around and walked out. I never really payed attention to how many flowers he sent to my job, it was so cute that he still thinks about me.. maybe I should reach out to him or maybe I should rethink and do something nice for him in return. Looking at the calendar in my office I realize it's been a month and a half since the date and that's a long time . What if he already moved on , or what if he's over me.. the last bouquet of flowers were sent two weeks ago; what if that was his last straw ? I asked myself while twiddling my fingers.

 I looked at my schedule to make sure there were no meeting or anything for the rest of the week so I can focus up and try to do something thoughtful. I tried calling him, it ringed a couple of time and then it went to voicemail. "Hmph", I said to myself as I begun to get nervous, I was leaving the office soon so it ain't nothing to go visit him at his residence. The day was over and I was alittle thrilled to see Shawn, not only because I like him a lot but because I wanted to see his reaction, and to see if we still had a chance. I hopped in my car and zoomed to his place like I left my phone or something.. I was getting closer and I instantly felt anxiety and butterflies taking over my entire body. 

All I had to do was make one left and I was there. As I pulled up, I stopped right in front of his house. My heart started to race as I turned my car off and tried to memorize what I was going to say in my head. ~ I know it's been a minute and I told you I would think about it but I never intended to leave you in the dark, I've been through so much in the past and being in that situation made me relive it.. hopefully you can under... as I tried to finish the word I spot a female leave his house. He hugged her goodbye and when the female turned around I couldn't believe my eyes, IT WAS FUCKING EMILY. 

I automatically turned from happy to angry all in one minute, "This FUCKING BITCH" I said to myself while waiting for her to get in her car and drive off. "GREAT", I said in my head as I got out the car, slammed my door and walked towards his front door. I rang the door bell and waited for him to answer, the door opened and his mouth dropped. "Destiny.. wassup?", he said as I looked at him like I wanted to fuck him up  "don't destiny wassup me, why tf was Emily here?"  I said as I folded my hands. "Destiny.. it's been two months you expected me to just wait around for you and wait for you to make up your mind?", he said with his hands open, "No I didn't expect you to do anything for me but I would like for you to tell me wtf is going on". 

"She was talking to my boy first; then she told him that she would rather speak to me.. speaking that me and you didn't work", he said "So you just go with it instead of thinking about me and how I would feel? I said, "YOU NEVER ANSWERED THE PHONE", he said while shouting. Pieces of me were falling apart, I really liked Shawn but this just put an even bitter taste in my mouth. "You know what, you're right.. whatever decision you decided I hope your glad with it and that she fulfill  you in every way I can't and most importantly i'm sorry you never had a chance" I said while walking away. I immediately walked to my car, hopped in and drove away as fast as I can. I can't believe that just happened, I thought in my head Emily better tell me something NOW, so I drove to her house. 

I get to Emily's house and I rang her doorbell, she answered on the first ring.. I mean not surprised she just left Shawn's house. "Destiny, what you doing here girl?", she said all nervous, "Nothing I just came by to speak to you", I said with a calm voice. "Uh.. okay cool come in, don't gotta talk outside" she said as she let me in and I went straight to her living room. "Let me ask you a question", I said as I continued "Have you spoken to Shawn, ive been trying to get in contact with him and apologize about what happened with us.. I think I want him back" and she instantly sat down. "Na actually, I haven't but I can get his bro to contact him for you if you like", before she even finished I knocked her out......

~ Whatever I did she needed it.. no? ~

Stay tuned .

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