Introduction, rules (pls read its short) my oc, your oc form:

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- Only rules I have is that this is a lgbt space, don't be homophobic. If you want a character to be homophobic like a shitty dad or something that's fine but other than that no please lol. This includes racism and anything else.
- nsfw is ok with me, but nobody underaged is to rp with me if that's the case. (If we do nsfw lmk if character is sub or dom or switch whatever lol)
- other thing pls be patient I am a busy person, after like a day you can tag me tho cuz it probably means I forgot to message back
- no poly unless I say so cuz I kinda have a hard time doing multiple characters
- I rp ur crush u rp mine, at the same time in one comment thread/message plssss LOL
- rp like this : gojo thought she was being stupid, not: gojo: thinks she's being stupid*
- other thing forgive me if occasionally my grammar sucks, it's not beyond terrible or anything but I slip up sometimes
- that's it for now

Oc forms:
Full Name:
Gender: (specify cis or trans or otherwise)
Sexuality :
Crush/love interest? (Can be multiple):
Relationship with said love interest:
Sorcerer?: (are you one?)
(If so) Grade?:
Job, (if any?):
Cursed technique:
Flaws (pls guys it has to happen):

Heads up: for my oc I have two. They have the same name but are different people. Gonna be honest it just depends on how my genderfluid ass is feeling, boy or girl. Lol so I'll let you know which one I'll be using.

My oc:
Name: Dylan Foster
Gender: trans female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bi bi bi
Looks: brown skin, dark brown hair that's very curly, reaching a bit past her jawline, rather small and skinny for her appearance
Clothes: typically has her jujutsu tech uniform on but otherwise, she wears a black shirt, black sweatpants that are huge on her, black flip flops and then like maybe a black hoodie too lol
Ethnicity: Afro Latina
Nationality: Dominican
Love interest: geto or gojo
Relationship: best friends with them both in highschool, was considered one of the strongest alongside them. Now remains close friends with gojo, and has avoided as much contact with current geto as much as she can. They've had a few altercations however.
Sorcerer: back in school with geto and gojo she was on equal footing as them so I'm p sure back then they were all grade 1. As of now she's special grade.
Age: 28
Birthday: December 24, she doesn't celebrate but a lot of her friends like to get her in on her big day
Job: was a student, now a teacher at jujitsu tech. She teaches the second years. (I'm ignoring atsuyas existence ty)
Personality: stone cold bitch lol no emotion is ever detected on her face, even when she's deeply upset she doesn't show it. She smiles on extremely rare occasions, all of which were in highschool. She cares a lot about people but she doesn't express it very well. Can come across as sarcastic and uncaring in general, especially around people she especially likes. To add onto this, she's actually oblivious to how rude she can be and is rather innocent in this regard, she's a little too honest at times.
Backstory: abused by her parents, tortured by them even. The purpose was that her parents knew they were well known curse users,  and knew eventually she'd be kidnapped. In fear of her potentially giving out information, they resorted to torturing her and training her at a young age to be able to deal with any form of torture that may come. Because she was raised to train endlessly, to never take a break, to never care for herself, she ignores many of her needs. And her parents raised her to believe she was nothing but a burden and a failure. Because of this it reflects on a lot of her relationships, as she approaches them with not only no care for herself, not allowing anyone to help her, she also never allows weakness and vulnerability. What's more, she blames herself for a lot of bad shit that happens around her cuz it's how she was raised to think. Etc she's very angsty lol
Cursed technique: this is hard to explain, but she is basically the avatar from atla as her first cursed technique. (I added plants into the "elements" and ofc she has added stuff like metal/blood/lighting bending since that's a avatar thing. Decided to expand upon that so for air her special bending is simply explosions) The other one is telekinesis lol.
Flaws: she constantly pushes people away (push people away before they push you away type deal), she has a lot of self doubt deep down and is unable to be truly vulnerable around people which causes a lot of issues in a lot of her relationships. She just has a lot of mental shit to work through lol. Other than that, she's almost perfect on the battle field but she can get hit pretty easily. Lacks defense completely so when she gets hit once, which is rare thanks to speed but still can happen, she's pretty weak. Makes up for it with her amazing endurance and can still get the job done even in a horrific state but yeah. Her cursed techniques can also cause some issues. If she uses too much fire she runs the risk of burning herself alive, too much lightning could run the risk of her dying as well, so she has to be careful how much she uses.

Other oc (male version basically for when I feel gay):
Name: Dylan Foster
Gender: Cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual babes
Looks: the same except his hair is straight also it's like normal guy length so ig gojos length of hair . He's rather big and muscular lol
Clothes: other than jujutsu tech uniform, he likes a simple white v neck and black sweats
Ethnicity and nationality: afro Latino, Dominican
Love interest: gojo or geto
Relationship: best friends with them both in highschool, was considered their fellow strongest. Now as adults he's very close with gojo and very distant with geto. I imagine this version of Dylan though isn't as distant with geto and has had a lot of talks with him. They're not friends but not enemies.
Sorcerer: grade 1 in highschool now a special grade
Age: 28
Personality: very different from his female counterpart, kinda himbo esc he's just very lovable and soft and sweet and all that on the outside and inside. He has his issues with vulnerability too, but he masks it through a charming smile that gets the ladies, rather than through a stone cold look. He's also peak sex appeal gojo better watch out this man fine as hell
Birthday: December 24th
Job: same thing teaches the second years I'm ignoring the canon
Backstory: same backstory here lol he just ended up feeling like he needed to smile through his pain bcuz toxic masculinity lol
Cursed technique: same as other Dylan. Basically is the avatar and has telekinesis as well.
Flaws: similar to other Dylan has a hard time with vulnerability and allowing himself to get help from those around him. On the battlefield though he doesn't have too many flaws, it's typically overzealousness that gets the best of him during fights. He's also very bad at coming up with strategies.

Disclaimer ; with a lot of gojo or geto scenarios I'm probably imagining them with Dylan in like highschool cuz there's less angst. (Strictly sfw Istg I just like my babies being happy) Simple times when they were happy ya feel me? Either that or au that everything is ok and normal with my ot3 LMFAO

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