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i hardly knew my grandfather. inheriting his home, farm, and practically his life was the last thing i expected to do. but here i am, wondering around this quiet town, introducing myself to the few villagers who call it their home as well.

"yoba," i muttered to myself, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear as i continued down the stone path.

i had met the majority of the town folk at this point. i couldn't say i felt much of a connection with anyone yet.

alex, a cocky jock. he'd already made comments about my figure. his grandparents were quite lovely, though.

lewis, of course, the major of pelican town.

gus, the saloon owner, and his employee emily. along with her bitchy sister, haley.

clint was the town's black smith, and willy was the local fisherman. marnie, the rancher, lived below my farm with her shy daughter jas, and her nephew i'm yet to meet.

leah the artist was kind, as well as elliot. all i could recall was his majestic hair and shakespearean way of speaking.

abigail, pierre, and caroline lived above the shop in the center of town. abigail was friendly, probably the nicest so far. she told me she "sensed i was a good one," if it makes any sense.

harvey was the doctor. sweet, but awkward. maru was his assistant. there was gunther, linus, demetrius, robin, jodi, could i remember?

jodi, a mother of two, told me her son would be at the saloon tonight. there were only a handful of people left to meet. major lewis asked me to greet everyone atleast once before i settled into my cabin. fair enough. it is a small town after all. what's a few more faces, anyways?

6:00pm on the dot. i took a deep breath before i pushed the wooden door opened and entered the saloon. the smell of liquor and pizza filled my nostrils, and the sound of faint music in my ears. i peered around at the familiar faces, only noticing one i hadn't seen before.

stood in the corner, leaning against a stone fireplace, was a man probably 10 years older than me. short hair, unkept beard, stained jacket. a beer in his hand and a distant look in his eye.

"charlotte?" a voice asked, bringing my attention to my left. elliot stood from his chair. "so lovely seeing you here. have you met everyone yet?"

i shook my head. "not quite! hoping to finish up tonight!"

he smiled at me. "i remember when lewis asked me to greet the towns people. don't let me keep you from it!"

i nodded and continued through the bar, planting my feet in front of the scruffy man from earlier. he looked at me blanky. he smelled of alcohol and depression, really.

"hi, im—"

"why are you talking to me?" he sneered.

i gulped. "s-sorry, i just—" before finishing, i was interupted again. this time by a feminine and familiar voice.

"charlotte? im so glad you're here!"


the purple haired girl pulled me away and through another door way. "dont worry about shane, he's just a drunken grump. come meet my friends.",

she excitedly led me to a pool table where two young men stood.

"boys, say hello to our new farmer, charlotte." she beamed.

"c-charlie," i corrected. "you can just call me charlie."

"well hi charlie," one man added, a grin on his face. blonde spikey hair, bright eyes, fit and tall. "i'm sam. this is sebby." he added, pointing the cue towards the second man.

"sebastian," the man mumbled with a sigh. "its sebastian. you chose to move to pelican town?" dark black hair, dark eyes, dark clothes, a labret piercing, tall, lanky... i nodded at him. "well, it wasnt much of a choice..."

both of these men were on opposite ends of the spectrum, but god damn gorgeous, that's for sure.

"so, charlie, you're our farmer?" sam asked, leaning his body against the pool table. sebastian rolled his eyes.

"i am."

"can i make any special requests?

"for a price," i teased, batting my eyes at him.

"oh, anything for a pretty girl like you." sam smirked. a light tint of red flushed my cheeks.

"showing off much, sammy?" sebastian laughed. "let's see if charlie is still blushing after i kick your ass in pool."

the boys bantered on about their game as abigail scooted closer to me.

"are they always like that?" i jokingly asked, crossing my arms.

"oh, absolutely. they're practically brothers, " she began, looking off at the two. "but they've never bantered about girls before. you're fresh candy around here."

i chuckled nervously. "i hope you're kidding."

"better keep your eyes on the farm then," abigail winked. "seb is pretty closed off, but sam... oh he'll be following you around like a lost puppy. he did when penny started coming around town."

"penny?" i asked. "the teacher?"

"mmhm. he's had heart eyes for her for as long as i can remember. she isn't interested at all."

"i see."

"don't be intimidated by these boys. they're just dorks, anyways."

"what'd you say about me, abi?" sam chimed in, raising his brows. "i'll have you know, if we lived in the city i'd be considered VERY coo—"

"oh yoba, here we go again.." sebastian groaned while abigail let out a laugh.

during the rest of the evening, sam flirted shamelessly while sebastian and i exchanged shy glances occasionally. abigail was right, he was the loner type. he didnt contribute to much conversation, and mostly avoided me.

but i couldn't help but notice his eyes wandering when sam and abigail were distracted...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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