The Crash That Started It All

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It was just another day at Route 66, Radiator Springs. Doc was racing Lighting on the usual track teaching him but mainly just having a drive while coaching him. "Man, what a race but I won this time Doc" Lighting said smiling.

"Ha, that ain't racing. That wasn't even a Sunday drive. That was one lap. Racing is five hundred of those. Everybody fighting to move up, lap after lap, inside outside, inches apart, never that's racing." Doc said smiling

Lighting laughed "Can't argue with the Doc Hudson"

"Oh, how true how true" Doc chuckled as the two racers continued talking for a bit having a little break. After a while, they go back to racing each other this time just for fun but Doc feels like something is wrong but doesn't know what. Doc keeps going but it is clear something is wrong, everyone watching starts talking worriedly wanting them to stop so Doc can get looked at but it never happens. The Race keeps going and Doc starts slowing till he suddenly swerves off the road and crashes. Doc rolls and flies through the air landing hard, Everyone races over but Doc isn't responding to them. His eyes were already closed and his vitals were gone. Lighting slowly drives over in shock blaming himself for this, that he speeds off to Doc's garage and locks himself away to cry.

But little did everyone know Doc felt no pain, he passed away before he crashed. Doc died doing what he loved and with the young racer who made him happy. Doc's life was over or was it?

Doc wakes up back in 1954 but as a human. When he realizes what's going on Leroy pushes him off the road at Fireball Beach causing the crash that ends his racing career but this time is different. His friends pulled their cars to a stop, stepping out and running over to help but someone was already there. A woman with silver hair and blue eyes was helping him out of the wrecked Hudson Hornet, She stayed with him talking to him though he couldn't hear what she was saying but it kept him awake. "HUD! stay with us, stay awake" Smokey yelled worried about his friend.

Junior, Louise, and River stand back worried for their friend and the best racer they know, they don't want this to be the end of racing for him. Paramedics get Doc stable putting him in the ambulance and allowing Smokey to ride with him to the hospital. Leroy wins the race and does doughnuts while everyone boos him but he sounds happy which pisses the female racer off causing her to storm over. She grabs him by the collar of his top as he steps out of the car and punches him to the floor. "You may be a rookie but is that how you want to race, kill everyone till you're the last one left! The best racer ever may die tonight and if he does then it's on your hands" the racer yells as she walks off to the others.

Louise could see the worry on the female racer's face and decided to say something "Hey Hud will be okay he's as tough as they come, sweetie". Everyone nods and heads to Smokey's garage to hang out till they hear any news from Smokey about Doc's condition. Hours pass till Smokey calls on the phone and River picks up, they talk for a bit till River puts the phone down.

"What did Smokey say" Junior asks, River answers telling everyone that Doc has pulled through and is awake so they can go visit him after his car arrives at the garage. Everyone nods and waits for Doc's car to arrive but as soon as it does they lock up and drive over in the female racers car. As soon as they arrive at the hospital Smokey is there to lead them to where Doc is but when they get there he's fast asleep resting so they all quietly talk about the good times.

"Do you remember when Doc first arrived in town, in his shiny blue Hudson Hornet" Smokey says as he recalls the day.

"He was so cocky back then he was already calling himself-" Louise said

"The fabulous Hudson Hornet" everyone laughed.

"That was a good day but boy did he live up to that name, and we had some fun times since" Louise chuckled

An Hour passes and Doc wakes up but everyone is still talking so they don't notice till the female racers hear him groan. "Doc you're awake! we're so glad you're alive" she hears shutting everyone up. But Doc just looks at her confused.

"Sorry, who are you?" Doc said confused. Everyone is shocked but also worried.

"You ok son that's Lilly, She has been part of the group for a while now and pulled you out of the car." Smoky said worriedly. Just then Hudson gets these flashbacks of memories that aren't his but are at the same time. Doc looks at Lilly and smiles.

"Thank you Lilly sorry I forgot who you were for a second but I remember now" Doc says smiling

"It's ok I'm just glad you're ok" Lilly says in relief.

Everyone chats for hours and lets Doc rest when he wants to but they don't want to leave the hospital feeling like Doc needs them at least for a little while. Doctors and Nurses come in and out checking up on Doc making sure he's okay and giving him painkillers while checking his vitals. This goes on for days and every time the group leaves at closing but turns up just as the hospital opens for visitors, Sometimes it's everyone others it's maybe one or two which is normally Lilly and Smokey. Once Doc is dismissed and can go home Smokey decides it is best he stays with him at the garage just so Smokey can help Doc if he needs it but at the same time, Doc helps Smokey with paperwork and small things that he can do sitting down.

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