Chapter 7

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"WHAT HAPPENED HERE!!?" Yankee shouted as she busted inside the house

Yankee pats Sharlette's shoulders.

"What happened? Hm?" she said slowly

Yankee looked behind her up the stairs. As Mezrah walked upstairs Yankee smelled something really bad.

"Phew! Smell that?" she said

"Yeah!" Mezrah replied

As they finally reached the 2nd floor. They saw Josh looking down a fabric full of blood stains.

"What is that? A human?" Mezrah said

"Her mother... Actually..." he said

"What?!" Yankee shouted

"I swear... I'm gonna kill that motherfucker..." he mumbled

"Whoa, chill! We still don't know who- wait... You knew who killed her mom?" Yankee said

"It's her uncle..." he said

"Angeline was right... Something's wrong about her uncle..."

"I have an idea..."


"So... You want me to locate Sharlette's uncle? It's exact location? Sure thing"

After few minutes

"Alright, here you go... By the way... What are you going to do there?" Angeline said.

"Payback... Since Sharlette can't do it... I'll do it..."

"You know, we don't have any evidence or proof that her uncle were the one who killed her mom."

"But the message he sent to Sharlette was enough for me" he said as he sent Angeline a cold stare.

Angeline stayed silent.

"You guys, keep an eye on her. We don't know how much impact this was to her... Follow her everywhere, make sure she won't do anything suspicious... Alright?"

"Ah... We're going to be babysitters! Pretty much..." Yankee said


"Leave it... He's no use anymore..."



Then the two figures vanished into the thin air leaving one of them infront of Sharlette's uncle.

The one who was left behind has a sword in it's hands.

"Hey!" Josh shouted as he opens his enchanted book. "Who are you!?"

The figure slowly looks at him as it slowly raises the sword.

The figure was pitch black so it's impossible for Josh to recognize.

"That man is mine... Let him go..." he said.

"As you wish..." the figure said as it kicks the man to Josh.

After the figure kicks the man it quickly ran away.

"Hey!" Josh shouted as he chased the figure down.

He managed to throw a shadowflame dagger on the figure and slashed it's mask but the figure was pretty fast, as it vanished into the darkness.

"Fuck that shit..."

Josh went back to the man who's still down.

"Hey old man! Stand the fuck up!"

The only light above the man flickered and the atmosphere was filled with rage.

"What do you want??"

"Why did you kill her mother?"

"They made me do it!! I have no choice! If I won't do it, they'll release the monsters..."

"What monsters?"

"That..." the man pointed behind him

Josh looked behind him and saw an alien growling furiously.


Then someone stepped in and shouted "BACK OFF!"

"Is that... Sharlette?" the man behind Josh said

"Just shut your mouth"

Sharlette summoned her weapon, which is a dagger in a lasso. She only removed the lasso on the dagger and returned the lasso back.

"Wait... How the fuck she got out?"

Back at the HQ

"Alright! Shang! Wanna play Mobile Le- Shang?" Yankee said as she looked around Sharlette's room "Oh no..."

Yankee noticed he window was pry open.

"Eek! I knew it!"

"wait... Where's Angeline?! Angeline!!!!?"

Back at the abandoned house

From what they saw, Sharlette isn't the same anymore. More like, she came back.

"You might wanna back off, boys..." she said

"Go! Go back off!" Josh said as he pushes the man back

"Do you still remember what we did to the last alien we fought at that time, Josh?"

"Uh... Well... Yeah... Why?"

"Let's do that again shall we?" she said.


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