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Il est 11h55, nous allons rejoindre Uma. Mal prend ma main.

Mal- Ça va aller !

Harry- Bienvenue !

Uma- Enfin ! Let's get this party started. I swear I'm cold-hearted. There's no negotiation, I'm not here for debatin'. You need so motivation ? Just look at Ben's face then. Ask yourself how long you think I'll  remain patient. I'll throw him overboard, and let him swim with killer sharks. You either hand over the wand, or he'll be ripped apart.

- Now let's all just be smart. Although for you that must be hard. You'll get your wand no one has to come to any harm. Don't try to intimidate. Your bark is much worse than your bite. Who's the baddest of them all ? I guess we're finding out tonight.

Uma et ses pirates- Les't go, bring it on. Better give us what we want. It's the wand for the crown. If you don't it's going down.

Nous ( Evie, Jay, Carlos, Mal, Lonnie et moi )- Let's go, make your move. Peace or war, it's up to you. Give him up and do it now. If you don't it's going down.

Uma et ses pirates- We want the wand. Or else the king is gone. Your time is running out. You should really watch your mouth.

Nous- Let's go, pound for pound. We're prepared to stand our ground. Put your sword up. Put 'em up. It's going down.

Uma et ses pirates- Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh. Make the trade ! Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh. Or walk the plank. Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh. Make the trade. Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh. Or walk the plank.

Mal- Okay, look, this is not a conversation. It's a do or die situation. If you don't give me back the king, I'll have no hesitation. I'll serve you right here, and I don't need a reservation. That way your whole pirate crew can have a demonstration. Release him now and we can go our separate ways. Unless you wanna deal with me... and the VK's.

Uma- So that's your Big speech huh ? An empty ultimatum ?

Harry reprend en me regardant.

Harry- All it takes is one and I'll humiliate him. Matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him. And if he Even start to slip, I'll eliminate him. All it takes is one wrong look and I'll...

Uma- Harry, we get it.... chill.

Uma et ses pirates- Let's go, bring it on. Better give us what we want. It's the wand for the crown. If you don't, it's going down.

Nous- Let's go, make your move. Peace or war, it's up to you. Give him up and do it now. If you don't, it's going down.

Uma et ses pirates- We want the wand. Or else the king is gone. Your time is running out. You should really watch your mouth.

Nous- Let's go, pound for pound. We're prepared to stand our ground. Put your swords up. Put 'em up. It's going down.

Mal prend la baguette et reprend ma main.

Ben- Hey, we don't have to choose. We don't have to light the fuse. Mal, Ava, whatever you do. It's gonna be a lose-lose. There's got to be a better way. Uma, I promise, I'll give you your chance. You'll have your say !

Uma- Silly king, you... give me ? You're gonna give me a chance ? Well, not a chance !

Uma et ses pirates- Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh. Make the trade ! Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh. Or walk the plank. Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh. Make the trade. Yo-oh, ho-oh, oh-oh. Or walk the plank.

Mal lui tend la baguette mais Uma se méfie.

Uma- Ça semble trop facile. Je veux une démo.

Mal- T'as toujours eu une imagination débordante.

Elle se tourne vers Camarade.

Mal- Même si ça peut sembler idiot, que tes aboiements se changent en mots. Parle le chien.

Camarade- Je suis pas un peu boudiné dans ce harnais ? Quelqu'un aurait du bacon ? Ou un cookie ?

Uma- Donne-moi la baguette !

Mal et moi- Rends-nous Ben !

Harry le détache et Mal donne la baguette à Uma. On recule. Carlos prend ma main.

Uma- Non ! T'as pas le droit de l'emporter à chaque fois Mal !

Lonnie- Tiens Ava, une épée !

- Merci !

Carlos- Fais attention d'accord ?

- C'est promis !

Il pose un baiser sur ma joue puis il va affronter des pirates. Je me bats avec Mal et Uma.

Mal- Approche !

On se bat puis Carlos attrapé de nouveau ma main.

Carlos- On y va !

On passe dans le tunnel et on monte dans la voiture. Mal nous rejoint.

Ben- Désolé que t'ais pas pu rester sur l'île Ava.

- C'est pas grave, du moment que vous êtes en sécurité.

Evie- Tes yeux Ava...

Camarade- Ils sont bleus foncés.

Mal- Qu'est-ce que tu sens ?

- J'avais l'impression d'être observée sur l'île...

Carlos- C'est fini, on a quitté l'île !

Il met son bras sur mon épaule et me serre contre lui.

Ben- Uma ne me voulait pas de mal.

Mal- Ben, Uma t'a kidnappé et elle voulait te donner à manger aux requins.

Camarade- Malaise !

Carlos- On sait que tu peux parler, mais ça veut pas dire qu'il faut toujours le faire.

En arrivant à Auradon, Ben retourne au château.

Evie- Ava, il faut qu'on parle.

Mal- Ouais.

Carlos- Non !

Mal et Evie- Non ?

Carlos- Vous partez toujours pour discuter en douce, on est un groupe, on a le droit de savoir ! Jay et moi on en a marre.

Jay- J'en ai pas marre.

Carlos- Tout le monde s'assoit.

On s'assoit, Mal met sa main sur la mienne.

Carlos- Comment on commence une conversation de filles ?

Jay- Ça va ?

On rigole puis je redeviens sérieuse. Mes yeux deviennent bleus clairs.

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