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Pansy Parkinson was a spoiled child - when she wanted something, she would stop at nothing to get it. Pansy' Mother and Father would give their daughter whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, but it was never enough for Pansy - she kept feeling like something in her life was missing and she kept looking for it. No amount of possessions, shiny things, or magical items would fill the void, this annoyed Pansy and her parents - what was the one thing that could fill the void in her heart and when was she going to find it? One day, during a family trip to Diagon Alley - she found what she was looking for.

Pansy and her family went to Flourish & Blotts in order to find some magical tomes for Pansy's Personal Collection - her parents were on one side of the shop while Pansy was on the other side, her small finger trailing along the spines of the books before her with narrowed eyes as she looked for a certain book when her hand collided with another hand, making her jump in her robes before she looked to the right to face the person who dared to touch her - the person looked at her too with innocent [Eye Color] eyes and the breath in Pansy's throat was stuck. 

The child was around her age with [Hair Length] [Hair Coloar] Hair, [Eye Color] Eyes, [Skin Color] Skin], dressed in gorgeous robes with a family crest over their heart stitched on the robes and a small Family Ring on their ring finger. Pansy felt her face heat up as she looked upon the person before her - she felt the void in her heart fill up, this was the one she was looking for - the void's missing piece.

You sheepishly smiled at Pansy as you scratched the back of your head, apologizing for bumping into her. Pansy cleared her throat and shook her head, telling you it was okay and you were both looking for books. She introduced herself as Pansy of the Powerful and Noble Parkinson Family, you smiled and introduced yourself as [Name] of the Noble and Powerful [Surname] Family - Pansy had heard of them - they were well-known for their Wandless Magic skills, you seemed to be getting more interesting within every second. You asked her what book she was looking for and she told you the title - you raised an eyebrow and pulled the book from under your arm and held it out to Pansy. "This one?" You asked. Pansy looked at the book and nodded her head - that's why she couldn't find the book, you took the last copy. You looked at the disappointment in Pansy's eyes before you held out the book for Pansy to take; she looked at you, and you nodded, she looked at the book and took it from your hands - your fingers brushing against each other, sending electricity through Pansy's body, making her blush again.

She opened her mouth to speak again when your parents arrived in the row you were standing in and told you it was time to leave. You looked at Pansy and smiled at her before turning away and walking away with your parents but you were suddenly stopped when you felt something tug on the back of your robes; you looked over your shoulder and looked at Pansy who was clinging to you. You asked her if there was something you could help her with, and she pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to you - it was an invitation to come to Parkinson Manor and spend some time with her. You smiled and nodded, telling her that you were going to come at your earliest convince before giving her a hug and leaving with your parents. Soon, her parents came to collect her and she told them that she found the one she was looking for - A Friend.

One week after the meeting, you arrived at Parkinson Manor with your parents - your parents were going to speak to Pansy's Parents about a business deal while Pansy grabbed your arm and pulled you into her room. You both played with her toys and read her books, you actually found a PlayBook and started acting out the scenes with Pansy as your adoring audience - Pansy never smiled this hard before in her life. During Lunchtime, you and Pansy had your lunch in the Garden House - Pansy's Favorite Spot in the house, she didn't even let her parents into the Garden House, it was a place for her and her things only. You were hers, that's the main reason you were in there with her. You had conversations and laughed at each other's jokes, Pansy was happy - she felt complete for the first time in her life and she never wanted this feeling to end. She never wanted her time with you to end ever.

Years would pass and your bond with Pansy grew stronger and stronger, as did her obsession with you - she didn't like you having other friends with other families; she was the only one you needed but you made it clear that you weren't going end your friendships just because she was jealous. She didn't like it when you went against her but at the same time, she loved that side of you. However, every relationship had its' cracks and some were starting to form in yours. One day, you and Pansy were hanging out in Hogsmeade when a person around your age approached you - A Muggleborn Wizard - asking you where a certain place was, you smiled and opened your mouth to tell them the answer to their question when Pansy started yelling at the Muggleborn - calling him a 'Mudblood' and telling him he didn't belong in the Wizarding World. The Young Wizard looked horrified before turning around and walking away - Pansy looked at his retreating form with a smile on her face but you glared at her hand and started yelling at her for being so rude, for using that horrible name, for attacking someone who didn't do anything wrong to her.

Pansy's Response: "Mudbloods are filthy magic thieves. They don't belong in our world and you shouldn't mingle with them; they'll taint your purity."

Pansy reached out for you but you snatched your arm away from her and started walking away from her - she looked like her heart was broken in two; you were angry with her? No, you couldn't be angry with her. You loved her, just like she loved you...right? When you returned to Parkinson Manor, you ignored Pansy until your parents arrived to come pick you up. Pansy grabbed your arm before you left out the door and asked you if you still loved her but you didn't answer her - the silence was breaking her heart even more. On impulse, Pansy grabbed your other arm and pulled you into her body - her lips smacking against yours, claiming your first kiss. You pulled away from Pansy and looked at her with wide eyes, she panted and smiled at you.

"You love me. I love you. We're always going to be together, [Name]... right?" Pansy asked - begged - in a broken voice with tears flowing down her face. You didn't answer her as you turned away and walked out the door.

That would be the last time she saw you.


Pansy sat in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, looking out the window with an uninterested glare; her mind only on one thing - You. She remembered the night you left: the anger on your face when she put that Mudblood in his place, the taste of your lips, her pleading voice begging you to say you loved her as much as she loved you but all she got was silence. She sent you letters and gifts but they were ignored, she tried to go to your house but your parents explained that you didn't want to see Pansy before closing the door in her face; her heart wasn't able to take the heartache. She needed you. She loved you. You had to come back to her. You just HAD to.

Now, it was time for her to attend Hogwarts - she made new friends with the Malfoy Heir - Draco - and his friends, Vincent and Gregory. All of them were destined to be Slytherins but all she could think about was you while Draco was talking about the Boy Who Lived - Harry Potter - coming to Hogwarts. After getting to the castle, Draco and his group waited at the gates when Harry Potter arrived with a Blood Traitor Weasley, and a Mudblood by the name of 'Granger' and...


It was you.

You were with Potter and his Group.

And you were talking to the MUDBLOOD!

Pansy felt her blood boiling, she wanted hex Granger for talking to you - for attempting to taint your purity - but all she could do was look at you; you were more beautiful/handsome than you were since the last time she saw you. When Harry made it clear that he was going to hang out with Draco or the Future Slytherins, you followed his group, Pansy reached out for you but she barely touched your robes before you walked into Hogwarts with those people - they weren't worthy of you!

Soon, the Sorting Ceremony started: Draco, Vincent, Gregory, and Pansy were all sorted into Slytherin, just as she knew they would be. Soon, your name was called and you walked up to the stool, took a seat and the hat was placed on your head. The hat mumbled to himself before roaring out 'GRYFFINDOR!', Pansy's heart shattered when she heard that - the one who belonged to her was in Gryffindor, a house of Mudbloods and Blood Traitors. This couldn't be really. This had to be a joke. You were supposed to be a Slytherin! You were supposed to be with her! 

No, Pansy was going to fix this. You belonged to her and you were going to be with her - she needed to get you into your rightful house and under her grasp. You left her once, and now that she found you again, she wasn't going to let you go and those lions were going to feel her venom if they stood in the way of what was rightfully hers.

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