🤍🦋chapter 2🦋🤍

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"Eve...Eve" said a whisper

"Who are you? What do you want? Who is Eve" I shouted into the darkness. I couldn't see anyone else there. This does make any sense.

"You know Eve. You know who I'm am just remember. Remember who you are. Remember..."

And suddenly I'm alone surrounded by nothing but pitch black. And almost just as suddenly I'm awoken by a sharp pain in my head.

"Ah" I say clutching my head

"Stop! Stop it professor your hurting her" Hermione says

"Enough Remus she won't remember yet she needs a trigger" said a voice just as I start to realize there is a man pointing something at me

"What is that, there in your hand i had one similar in my pants pocket" i ask the man

"This is pointless. How are we gonna help this girl remember her name if she can't even remember magic. Whoever did this is hiding something and they intend on keeping it that way" He replied completely exasperated.

"Magic?" I ask

"Your a witch" the other man says bluntly before going right back into he conversation as if it was a completely normal thing to say "We have to find what triggers her or have Severus try to do it Remus I'm telling you"

"Sirius nothing will-"

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU BEFORE YOU MAKE THINGS WORSE" Mrs Weasley yells at the two men in frontof me. "Is everything alright dear. Do you feel ok? Someone go get her a glass of water."

"I heard the voice again I think it was saying... I think it was.. calling me"

"What was it saying dear


"Do you think could be your name then" Ginny says as she pull me up right and hands me a glass of ice water.

"I..I think. Even if not I think it's still a pretty name"

"Well then Eve it's off to bed with you it's getting late unless you're hungry. All of you actually we've got to do a bit of shopping to do in the morning." Mrs Weasley tells us all

"But mum what about her we can't just leave her here" say a boy, I think his name might be Ronald

"We've just sent a owl to Dumbledore and he should have responded by the time we're all up" she replied. "Whould you you like something to eat before you go upstairs dear" she said turning back to me

"No thank you mrs Weasley. But theres just one thing though" I say. "I dont remember getting many of your names"

"Oh I'm so sorry dear I must have forgot. As you know I'm Molly and this is my husband Arthur. And you now know my daughter Ginny and thats Hermione Granger. Hermione spends some of her time here when everyone is home from school. And this here is Harry Potter who also visits on holidays and my youngest son Ronald, but of course we just call him Ron unless he's in trouble or we need to get a point across him. Over there are my twins Fred and George they like to be a bit funny sometimes so don't mind them. Lastly we have Remus Lupin and that thereus Sirius Black. Sirius is Harry's godfather and Remus used to be a professor at Hogwarts. They are also very good family friend and we all just love them dearly even though they bicker like and old married couple.

"It's very nice to meet you all. Thank you Mrs Weasley for bringing me here and thank you mr Lupin and mr Black for trying to help"

"Oh none to worry my dear you can stay as long as you'd like, and if you need anything, i mean anything let any of us in this room know alright" Mrs Weasley replies.

"It's not a problem at all, but mr black was my father you can just call me Sirius"

"And it was no trouble for myself either I do my most to help anyone who needs me" Mr Lupin follows up

"Ok you lot it's off to bed with you all. Eve you'll be sharing a room with the girls, i hope you dont mind. Youll find a bed up there for you already. We'll see you all in the morning" mr Weasley says.

"Come on I might have some proper clothes for you to sleep in if not the boys will" Hermione says

Me, Ginny and Hermione all walk into ginnys room and a bed appears out of nowhere.

"Whoa" I say in shock

"Magic's cool isn't. I'm a muggle born so I'm not completely used to it yet either even though im always reading about it" Hermione says as she goes through her clothes. "I cant find anything can you" she then says to ginny?

"No shes a bit taller than we are so its hard to find something that will fit. We got lucky with the jeans and tshirt earlier. Im sure one of the boys have a shirt and Harry's slim so he might have some shorts or some sleep pants she can borrow for the night."

We all walk out of the room to the next door over and knock and the twins, Fred and George open it and I see Ron and Harry sitting on their beds

"Hello beautiful how are you feeling" one of them say to me. I dont know rather if it's Fred or George they're identical so I can't tell just yet.

"Oh stop flirting with her George we've come to see if any of you have a shirt she can borrow" ginny says

"Of course come take your pick love" George says gesturing to the wardrobe.

"Well just welcome her to my clothes why dont you" Ron says jokingly.

"I will then, dear brother"

"I really don't mind" Ron says looking at me with a smile

I walk in and open the wardrobe door and i see something that catches my eye almost immediately.

"What is it Eve" ginny asks

"This pullover jumper" I say grabbing the pink and black one from the rack "it seems so familiar and I dont know why."

"Fred didn't you nik that from Malfoy last year" Hermione asked

"I think so but she could have seen that from anywhere especially if she even went into the muggle world. That style is pretty popular with them"

"Yeah your right. If that's what your wearing we need to find you some shorts or some thing. Harry do you have anything she could fit." Hermione asks the boy

"Um yeah I thing so let me look"

We get the shorts and walk out the room followed by the twins and they head upstairs since Harry was ready for bed. I change in the the clothes I borrowed and crawl into bed tiredly.

"Goodnight Hermione goodnight Ginny" I say into the dark room

"Good night Eve" they call back together

"Goodnight Eve" someone called from the room above.

"Haha I think George fancies you" ginny giggles

"It does seem that way doesn't" Hermione says

"Yeah I suppose so" I responded half asleep as I drift off

•☆(Don't forget to like and c0mment if you like what I wrote. I look forward to reading your thoughts and input. Manifesting everyone reading this has a good day/night❤️🙃)

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