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Muse of Oratory, Scared  Hymns and Poetry

Those here whom I believe have been touch by this muse of the ancients'

I will gather thee to be seen by a time and bring our understandings

together as one voice for the future.

Here our voices will be gathered as one

no crying no weeping just action

I see the sorrow and pain of the scared voices

you writers and poets who can only

be drawn by a force much greater than yourselves,

this deep well of humanities collective thought

no crying no weeping just action

our outpourings here in word reflecting the collective,

of the need to change... to bring back the wisdom

that once was known and understood at a past time

within all earthbound thinking, the balance now lost 

no crying no weeping just action

here you rest your outpourings of grief

here we all follow with the deepest understandings

we read and comment knowing each other seeing

our inner beings weep for what has been lost

no crying no weeping just action

we reach for what strenght we must find to help

mankind to recover from this stumbling 

of our times, flux and change be the same.

together all sexes equal and defined

no crying no weeping just action

It will only happen if we all remember

and act, now actions are greater that all the words

one can write, even if it be small like turning off the lights at night

for Earth Hour to be observed. That is a small thing to do

no crying no weeping just action 

but it just may mean that this world

will be here for the Children.

safe and well with life preserved.

it just may mean just that. 

So put down the pen and find a garden to grow

adopt a tree and help it just to be

grow other trees with each child born

and another to light their spirit when another departs

the time is now to do not just tell

but do so ths world can turn onto

the greener lights of life

Action action action,,,,go

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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