journal entry 21-8-2023

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A night in New York, it was a hot summer evening. She decided to go out, to a club a few blocks away from her dorm. She felt the sweat cling to her body as she tried to hail a taxi. The thoughts in her head were swirling around before she decided to go. They were mostly about him. She had been in a relationship once, with a guy in her school. He had this uniqueness to him, she had not experienced with other boys before. She could talk to him and he would get her in a way nobody around her did. They loved each other in a way nobody around her did. 

They had met due to a sort of curiousness to one another. She was more observant and he was somebody who stood out. However, he felt like his friends did not get him. He was interested in literature and movies. His friends were busy with all sorts of other things. This made him notice her. In his eyes, she was something he had never seen before. He felt that in her presence he could be himself and express his thought and feelings. She would give him time to process what he was feeling, which he had a lot of difficulty with.

They both felt like they filled a void when they were in the presence of each other. His warmth and her words created a sort of bell jar. But in public it felt different to both. He had difficulty displaying public affection for her because of their history. They kept their relationship, in the beginning, quiet because of fear of what others and especially their friends might say. When they decided that it didn't matter and the bell jar lifted, it left its scar behind. To others in public, she and he were distant from each other and could not understand how they were in a relationship. Behind closed doors, in their world, it made perfect sense but going public lifted the bell jar. Their differences became more prominent until they were strangers again.

He went to college with an everlasting thought of her in his mind. He had certain flings but didn't quite feel the same as with her. She moved on and tried again to start over. To forget what she had once felt for him would be easier but she has moments like now when she thinks about him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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