It Begins In A Time Of Need

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Do you ever think that the world is cruel to someone just for fun? Or maybe it's to make them stronger in the future? Maybe it's so they can tell stories of inspiration and of their many hardships to the next generation of people so they don't make the same mistakes as ancestors before them did. But maybe it's just Lily Drew who is getting the worst of it.

Lily Drew had always had a tough life from the beginning, losing her mother after birth, considered to be quirkless for most of her life, and her dad never truly helped with this. Her dad owned a famous cartoon network called Joey Drew Studio's and had made millions off of it. But, after Lily's mother died the company went under and were quickly bankrupt in a matter of years. They now lived in a small neighborhood just outside the city in a small rundown two story house. It had a small kitchen with a dining table infested with termites, one bathroom stained with mold and water damage, and two rooms for two people. Lily had the smallest room and probably the worst of the two. The wall paper was torn, the floorboards looked as if they would fall into the small lounge below, and her bed was the most uncomfortable thing in the whole world.

Mr. Drew always had a hatred for Lily ever since her mother passed and the company went under. But his hatred grew more for after one trip to the doctors and found out she was quirkless. He saw her as a useless child that would never make a name for herself, a child of despair and anguish. But that opinion changed drastically once she turned 14.

One day when Lily was coming home from school some teenage girls followed her and decided that she would be that victim of their hurtful words and actions. They beat her till she bleed and yelled hurtful and disgusting things about her and her family. But just as one of the girls were about to hit her one more time just for good measure they saw something secreting from her skin. It was a pitch black substance that was sticky to the touch, it secreted from her skin like sweat until it formed a decent sized puddle around her. But that didn't detour the girls from continuing to beat the snot out of her and decided to hit her again. But as one of the girls threw another punch it was stopped. The girls looked up to see a tall, inky, threatening creature looming over them. It had no physical features except two glowing yellow eyes and a teethless mouth just staring into the girls soul.

Lillian was nearly unconscious at this time but she will never forget what she heard that day, the sound of a raspy, deep, and grainy voice says "Get lost before I rip out your organs and eat them while you're screaming in pain!" She heard the sound of footsteps and screams as the girls running away and looked up to see the strange creature looking down at her before she passed out.


Ever since that day she had to live with a sentient ink being that she named after one of her father's cartoon creations known as Bendy. In fact, Bendy originally looked like a blob of ink with teeth and glowing yellow eyes. But after he saw one of her father's old cartoons he took the form of said character after seeing it. But when her dad found out about this it gave him a awful and twisted idea. He used his daughter's newly found quirk to start up his cartoon business again but it wasn't doing much better then when it went bankrupt. This made him more angry and bitter towards Lily, blaming her more violently and causing her so much more pain though she should be used to it by now. But finally when she was 16, after years and years of pain and suffering and finally giving up on making her dad proud...

She snapped.

One night, when her dad was asleep and she was alone with her thoughts and Bendy. She snuck down to the kitchen and grabbed out of the medicine cabinet three entire sleeve of Panadol. Bendy oozes out of my skin into a small puddle of ink and into his small demon form. She look down at him as she take out the final couple of Panadol out of the sleeve.

She pats him on the head with a small smile and says in a calm and dead tone. "Don't worry Bendy... We won't have to be in any more pain soon, I promise."

She looked at Bendy one more time before with a smile and takes all of the pills into her hand and swallows them all in one go. Bendy looks at Lily horrified and dark inky tears start to roll down his face. As Lily lay in her uncomfortable bed for what she hoped to be the last time she would ever have to sleep in it again she slips away into the unconscious world. But as she fell unconscious Bendy then grows two times in size and his features becoming more grotesque and lanky. He grabs Lilys seemingly lifeless body and cradles it like a mother with her child. He whimpers and growls as he tries to wake Lily up but to no prevail. He grows more and more angry and desperate, as he tries to wake her up. He looks out of the window crying black inky tears and looks at the city. He looks at her and back out the window and decides the best option is to get her away from that god forsaken place she and him were living in. He hugs Lily close and almost grows his demonic form around her like an armor. (Authors Note: Think when Venom becomes like an armor around Eddie)

After he does that, he smashes though the window of her room on the second floor and starts to run to the city to get her help. He was sprinting to the city hoping it was not to late to help her, to save her, to free her from the misery and anguish she had been living in for the past 16 years.  But little did he know that he would find someone more similar and willing to help them then they would of ever imagine.

Word Count- 1078

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