First, the end.

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Two pairs of feet standing before the same grave and headstone that was just only recently refurbished. The pair stayed only a few minutes longer before the girl pressed two fingers against her lips and then pressed them against the engraved stone. The two people interlocked their fingers before walking off together.

3 months earlier...

It was the last day of school.
It would be Millie last day before she would become a Senior.
Her long blonde curly hair was an awful mess which would be tamed before she left for school. Millie is the kind of person to never let anyone see the 'ugly' side of her.
She brushed her hair thoroughly, making sure to get out all of the tangles and knots. She then went over her eyelashes with coats of mascara, making sure not to put anything on her face but moisturizer and sunscreen. The one thing she truly loved to embrace about herself was the dozens of freckles placed all over her face.
Before she walked out of her bedroom she checked to make sure everything looked perfect. Hair, Makeup, Outfit. She wore a pink-based with colorful stripes tube top and blue jean shorts with an old pair of white Converse.
She smiled in the mirror before grabbing her phone off of her nightstand and sliding it into her back pocket as she walked down the hall and towards the stairs.
At the bottom of the stairs, she was greeted by her two dogs. Cooper - a Golden Retriever - and Layla - a dalmation.
She smiled and pet them as they jumped at her in excitement. She made her way into the kitchen where she could smell breakfast being made.
She walked in to see her dad standing at the stove.
"Pancakes?" She asks knowing the familiar smell.
"Of course. All of your favorites. Strawberry, Blueberry, and plain of course but that's pretty boring." He says flipping a pancake in the pan.
"Whats the special occasion?" She asks sitting on a barstool at the island that sat in the middle of their tiny yet space-ish kitchen.
"Oh come on." He says rolling his eyes but she didn't see because his back was to her. "Happy Birthday Milia." He says kissing her head and putting a plate of cut up pancakes drenched in syrup in front of her.
Before Millie was born her parents would constantly argue about her name. Her mother wanted just Millie. Her dad wanted it to be Milia because Milia Grace Hernandez had a slightly better ring to it. Her parents were separated before she was born so her dad wasn't in the delivery room. Leaving her mom to tell the doctors her name would be Millie. With her new husband she knew she wouldn't be there often to see the baby grow up so she wanted a part of her to be left behind.
Millie doesn't have any sort of relationship with her mom anymore. Her life was overtaken by her work and new family. As she figured it would be.
"Thanks dad." She smiled before picking up the small fork and digging in.
Her dad walked over to the counter after grabbing something out of the fridge and poured a glass of orange juice.
"Alright, you should get going. I'll see you later tonight." He says walking over to the sink.
"Working late tonight?" She asks bringing her dishes over to the sink.
"Yeah, it's the last day of school. All the idiot high schoolers are always doing stupid shit but tonight they're gonna go crazy. I'm dreading this summer already." He says placing the dishes into the dishwasher. "Just let me know where you'll be at tonight so I know which party I should break up first." He says slightly laughing. He earns a slight smile from his daughter before she makes her way back up to her room to grab her wallet and keys.
When she started driving 'The color violet' by Tory Lanez started playing. And when she pulled into the familiar driveway 'this is what falling in love feels like' by JVKE played. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and snapped the person who was surprisingly number one on her best friends list. As soon as she did he opened it and the garage door she was parked in front of slowly opened.
"Hey." She smiled as he opened the door and got into the front. "Hey." He says back. Their car rides in the morning were always quiet. Jonathan and Millie were only friends because of their paren's friendship.
"Happy Birthday Mills." He said handing her a small box. She peeled back the ribbon and opened the box. It was a gold necklace with two small intertwined hearts. "I can't even believe you got me a gift JJ." She jokes. "Yeah yeah, don't get too happy. It's from my mom." He rolls his eyes as he turns to reach for his seatbelt. "Oh." Millie says looking back down at the necklace. "Well, tell her I love it!" She smiles enthusiastically. Millie always tried her best to stay positive.
She smiled to herself once more before backing out of the driveway and heading towards their school. As soon as Millie parked JJ got out of the car and headed towards his group of friends that were waiting for him. Their group was strange. They were all jocks like he was of course but the nice kind. And then of course there was Evie his on and off girlfriend. As of right now their off but seeing as though she was waiting with his friends for him something told Millie they were about to be back on again.
When she felt herself staring for too long she turned off her car and grabbed her wallet before making her way over to her own group of friends. But the thing about Millie is that she's friends with everyone. No one could hate her even if they wanted to. And Evie wanted to. She was jealous of how much Millie and JJ got to hangout. Even though they didn't care to be hanging out in the first place.
Millie saw her friends and smiled. When Jenna saw her she got the biggest smile on her face and ran over to give Millie the biggest hug. Millie and Jenna were the same height. They had the same body type and both had wavy brown hair with blue eyes and freckles. They were twins flames. Platonic soulmates, if you will.
"Happiest of Birthdays to my bestest friend ever!" Jenna exclaimed before releasing from their hug. "Happiest of early Birthdays to my bestest friend ever!" Millie said back. I wasn't lying when I said twin flames. Jennas Birthday was literally the next day.
"Yeah, and we better be celebrating like hell tonight." Maddie said smiling as she walked over to give Millie a hug as well. "Happy Birthday Mil." She said. "Thanks Mads." Kennedy smiled.
Maddie - Mads for short - was sort of tall with long brown curly hair. She's a dancer and someday she wants to be on Dancing with the stars. They always said she and Millie would rake in all the money. Millie was the smartest out of all of them. Without even trying. Hailey tries the hardest. She pushes herself to exceed people's expectations of her. She wants to be a doctor someday and help people. Of course, she'd love the money too but mostly to help people.
Their group was well liked. Especially by guys. They didn't care too much about boys though. They were focused on making as many memories with each other as they could.
"Alright we have five minutes we need a game plan for tonight." Hailey says as they start walking inside the school to get to their first hour. "You guys can come get ready at my house." Jenna offers. "Yeah, and i'll D.D tonight." Millie offers. "Are you crazy? It's your birthday you can't D.D." Maddie says. "If we're all getting drunk who's driving us home?" Millie asked. They stopped outside their classroom door to continue talking.
"Well, let's think. Who have you driven home multiple times because he was an idiot and got drunk without having a ride?" Jenna asks sarcastically. "That's completely different and I can't just ask JJ to drive me and all of my drunk friends home just because I was the one to make sure he got home safe." Millie says.
"Well, he's our only option. No way in hell are we letting you go home sober tonight." Maddie says. Millie playfully rolls her eyes before the four girls walk into the class and sit at one of the larger tables together. Just after the bell rang JJ and his friends also walk in. JJ and Millie's friends are actually just a really big friend group.
Miles sat next to Millie and JJ sat on the other side of him. Miles and Millie have been dating for ten months. She was a junior but he was her very first boyfriend.
Evie was in the chair next to JJ. His arm was wrapped around her. Connor was next to Maddie and Elijah was next to Jenna. Connor and Maddie were dating but Jenna and Elijah had just recently started talking.
"Alright guys, tonight, Corals Beach, Eight O' Clock. Mikayla Dune is hosting so you know its gonna be wild." Eli says. "Sounds good to me." Miles says. "Millie? D.D. tonight?" He asks putting his arm around her shoulder. "Its her Birthday Jackass." JJ says. "I know I was just joking man." He stuttered removing his arm from around her shoulder. "So then, who's driving tonight?" Connor asks. "I will." JJ offers.
"Millie why can't you just not be selfish for once and D.D?" Evie says not wanting her boyfriend sober tonight. "Um, it's her Birthday Evie. And no body even invited you in the first place so I don't understand why you think your opinion on who's driving is really relevant." Jenna says sticking up for Millie. "And by the way Millie has never been selfish in her life. I'd watch what you say if I were you." Maddie added. Just then the bell rang and everyone was off to their next class.
"So.. see you guys tonight." Miles said breaking the silence being the first one to get up and leave the table. Connor kissed Maddie's cheek before him and Eli left too. Maddie and Hailey left. Millie and JJ made eye contact before they both quickly looked away from each other. Millie was waiting for Jenna to put her lipstick back in her bag before they both got up and left. JJ looked over to Evie who looked furious. She looked back at JJ and he gave her a disappointing look before getting up and leaving her alone at the table.

The day ended pretty quickly. School got out at noon due to early release on the last day. Maddie drove Hailey and Connor to Jennas. Jenna rode with Eli, and JJ and Miles rode with Millie. 'Meet Me At Our Spot' and 'No Role Modelz' played in her car on the way there.
Millie parked in the driveway and turned the car off before the three of them got out and went inside to join the others. They stayed at Jennas for a few hours just hanging out. They played drinking games and the boys played video games. The girls talked and touched up their makeup. Everyone was hanging out in the kitchen waiting to leave. Miles walked over to Millie and put his arm around her. He whispered in her ear. "Happy Birthday Mil." He said then kissed her on the cheek a few times. She smiled and laughed a little until her and JJ made eye contact and she saw the angry look on his face. Her smile dropped and she felt confused as to what was bothering him. He stormed off and went back into the living room.
"Thank you." Millie smiled up at him before following JJ into the living room. "Hey are you okay?" She asks. Hes sitting with his face in his hands on the couch. "Yeah. It's just Evie." He says. "What about Evie?" Millie asks sitting on the couch next to him. "She texted me saying 'Have fun alone tonight. I'm going out with Brayden now.' and I think she blocked me because none of my messages are going through now." He said. "I'm sorry J." She said putting her hand on his shoulder. "Don't be. We're always on and off. It's about time one of us officially end things." He said getting up from the couch and walking outside through the sliding glass doors.
"Millie!" Jenna sort of sang as she walked into her living room. "Are you ready? We're leaving." She says to the girl on the couch. "Yeah. I'll go tell J." Millie said standing up from the couch. Jenna sighed. "I will never understand why you're the only person he lets call him that. I mean - it's only one letter shorter than what everyone else calls him." She shrugged.

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